The ACV Secret
This one of a kind natural skin formula was designed to bring a youthful glow back to your skin…
And when you use it daily as directed, it…
For the last 20 years, I've started every morning by drinking a shot of ACV.
But there are more ways to maximize the benefits of ACV than just drinking it. ACV can be used on your skin, hair and nails too! Plus it works well as an all-natural cleaner around the house!
That's why in this book I've detailed 81 ways for you to put ACV to use!
A taste of what's inside...
Dating back as far as 3,000 BCE, vinegar has a long history of being used for culinary, medicinal and other uses.
Vinegars are purported to treat numerous diseases, illnesses
and other health issues.
That's why I wrote this complete vinegar guide which details 13 different types of vinegars and the best ways to use them!
A taste of what's inside...
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Statements on have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All material is provided for information purposes only; and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to diagnose, or treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being. Reliance on any content provided by is solely at your own risk.
Looking to incorporate ACV into your life but don't know where to start? I've got you covered!
I compiled 35 of my favorite ACV-infused recipes that make it easy to incorporate this miracle substance into your everyday life!
These recipes let you benefit from the healing properties of ACV while eating great tasting food!
A taste of what's inside...
Get Your Supply of
The ACV Secret Natural Anti-aging Moisturizing Cream Today
A balanced, natural Ph.
Skin that is better equipped to absorb vitamin D.
All leading to smoother, softer and more radiant skin.
The ACV Secret Natural Anti-aging Moisturizing Cream combines all these ingredients resulting in…
Hyaluronic Acid
Castor Oil
Lemon Peel
It makes the skin smoother, softer and more radiant. It also speeds up healing and reduces skin wrinkles.
It has been used for centuries for wound healing and strengthening and revitalizing skin.
Contains antioxidants that fight aging and can prevent and reverse skin damage caused by free radicals.
Gives the skin a healthy glow as it heals and nourishes the natural moisture found in your skin.
Prevents the loss of water through the outer layer of our skin, making it an excellent source of hydration.
Has antibacterial properties that help to smooth skin and prevent break-out causing bacteria.
So What's Inside The ACV Secret Natural Anti-aging Moisturizing Cream?
Restore Your Skin’s Natural Barriers
Eliminate Wrinkles and Age-spots
Eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses
Treat and reduces the prevalence of acne
Soothe sunburn
Possess anti-aging properties
Hydrate and protect the skin
PLUS, When You Order Today I'm Going To Ship You 3 FREE Bonuses
© year UpWellness. All Rights Reserved
Questions? Call:
(888) 938-7375
Susan Patterson
Natural Anti-aging Moisturizing Cream
Why I Moisturize my Skin with
Apple Cider Vinegar EVERY Morning
And how it has erased my eye bags, wrinkles and brown spots from my skin!
Dear Friend,
Few people would ever pass up the opportunity to look younger.
And frankly, there’s nothing wrong with that.
The problem is…
This quest for never ending youth has attracted the attention of a lot of people looking to exploit you.
These cosmetic con artists use your deep desire to look younger and more beautiful against you by trying to sell you stuff that doesn’t work…
And while it’s true many common skin care myths have been exposed for what they are…
Others have been perpetuated and millions of women still use them every day.
That’s why it seems as if nothing ever works - these so-called “skin care” companies have us focused on the wrong things … We keep buying their worthless products hoping that something will eventually work.
And when they don’t, we turn to expensive cosmetic procedures, harsh chemical treatments and sometimes even surgery…
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You see…
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV is the key ingredient thanks to it being anti-aging, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic. It really turns this formula into a natural healing powerhouse!
New science has confirmed the age defying benefits of a powerful ancient superfood…
What do you think is the
#1 sign of aging skin?
One that for over 5000 years has been used to treat a variety of ailments.
If your answer was wrinkles – you’re in good company.
That’s what most women say when I ask that question.
And it’s probably because we spend so much time looking for them in the mirror.
But that’s not really true.
per bottle
(This is a one-time payment)
Total: $47.00
per bottle
Total: $111
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per bottle
Total: $162
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per bottle
(This is a one-time payment)
Total: $42.30
per bottle
Total: $99.90
(This is a one-time payment)
per bottle
Total: $145.80
(This is a one-time payment)
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Sources:,default,pg.html Veins)
Hi, I’m Susan Patterson…
And in the next few minutes, you’ll discover exactly what this skin rejuvenating superfood is and why I recommend it to all of my patients and why personally use it myself everyday to keep my skin fresh, clear and youthful looking...
See, for the past 20 years I’ve always practiced what I preach when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.
That means I always do my best to eat whole organic foods, drink plenty of fresh, clean water, exercise and get lots of restful and rejuvenating sleep.
And for most of my life my skin has always been clear and smooth and I’ve never had to deal with wrinkles.
Until recently...
Due to a busy and growing practice and a demanding home and personal life…
I started to find that there just wasn’t enough time in the day to get everything done.
I started missing workouts, my sleep wasn’t as sound as it could be and my stress levels started to creep up.
As time went on, I noticed my skin began to change too.
My once healthy glow began to fade and my once vibrant skin became lackluster.
I even started to notice a few wrinkles.
Now as a Certified Health Coach, I knew there were things I could do.
But I wasn’t comfortable using chemicals or harmful toxins on my face.
So like I always do, I began to look for something natural…
Something that nourished my skin as it cleaned and exfoliated.
And after years of wading through the medical research and trying a variety of “anti-aging” potions and wasting countless hours searching for something natural that actually worked…
I’m thrilled to share my findings with you today right here on this webpage.
The #1 sign of aging according to dermatologists and what you can do about it (It’s not what you think!) …
The biggest skin care LIE in the cosmetics industry – if you’re like most women you’ve already wasted thousands of dollars because of it…
The 3 physiological reasons your skin “looks old” (not handling them can add 10 or more years to your complexion) …
And the #1 cause of premature skin aging - Plus how a potent superfood rubbed on your face each day can stop it in its tracks.
I’ll share all of this and more in the next few minutes.
But before I do let me start by asking you a question...
3 “Old Skin” Problems And
How To Fix Them...
What most people don’t know is that the same 3 things that cause wrinkles also cause saggy skin…
These same 3 things are behind everything that makes us look old – from sagging jowls, to loose skin and drooping eyelids…
To crow’s feet and laugh lines…
… “turkey neck”, thin skin, age spots and all the other things we despise…
Cause #1
Loss of Elastin
Elastin is a structural protein in your skin, and is responsible for making it look smooth, firm, and youthful.
Unfortunately as you get older, your skin loses elastin and starts to droop.
In fact, starting at age 18 production of elastin decreases about one percent per year. This also causes your skin to decrease in thickness by seven percent every ten years.
And a loss of elastic doesn’t just cause wrinkles.
It can also cause saggy cheeks, jowls and neck skin…
This is what leads many women to the plastic surgeon for a face or neck lift…
Sadly, Cause #2 is just as bad...
Cause #2
Loss of Collagen
Like Elastin collagen is also a structural protein.
It’s job is to provide an internal support matrix for your skin…
You can think of it almost like a skeleton for your skin.
And when we have enough elastin to keep our skin tight, it pulls our skin around a matrix of collagen rods inside your dermis (that deeper layer of skin)
Without bones we’d be a big saggy pile of flesh and without collagen your skin falls flat and sags thanks to gravity.
Just as we begin to lose elastin around the age of 18 to 20 we also lose collagen production too - at a rate of about 1% (or more) every year.
Which brings us to the final cause of “old skin” ...
Cause #3
Toxins are everywhere…
They’re in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
They’re also in many of the facial products we use everyday.
When we don’t remove these toxins regularly they can build up on our skin.
Clogging your pores and trapping dead skin.
And do you know what happens when dead skin builds up on the surface of your face?
It can create fine lines and wrinkles!
It can also become a breeding ground for bacteria.
When combined all three of these causes can really accelerate the aging process.
While at the same time, avoiding surgery, injections and chemicals..
A safe and inexpensive alternative that can be used from the comfort of your own home in less than a minute per day.
I’ll tell you what it is in just a minute...
First, we need to talk about premature aging…
The #1 Cause Of
Premature Aging
Let’s face it, nobody likes the idea of aging...especially when it comes to your face!
But what about premature aging?
You know, looking OLDER than you really are.
The 3 causes I just mentioned are actively aging you, but the sad reality is that there are even more things out there that can take their toll.
And many of them we do to ourselves.
Juggling the demands of your career while being a loving wife and mother.
Being the family nurse, bookkeeper, chef, and social activities director.
Losing the same ten pounds ten times.
And staying awake countless nights, worrying about everyone around you.
Sometimes you feel like all the cooking, cleaning, working, and family time are sucking you dry.
Sometimes you wake up so drained and exhausted that you can barely get yourself out of bed.
With all these demands on your time and energy, how are you supposed to find time to care for your health?
Or even the stress caused by trying anti-aging product after anti-aging product and looking in the mirror only to see the same wrinkled, saggy and aging skin…
All of these things take their toll because they all cause your body to create free radicals…
These “stress chemicals” break down your elastin and collagen so your skin thins and sags prematurely.
And that’s not all, things like environmental toxins, sun exposure and processed foods introduce a flood of free radicals to age skin faster still…
These free radicals are the #1 cause of early skin aging because they accelerate the natural aging process…
So our skin “looks old” before its time…
So How Do We Fix It?
Well now that you know the 3 things that rapidly age your skin...
And that the #1 cause of premature aging is in fact free radical damage...
How can we find a complete anti-aging skin-care product that addresses these underlying causes?
See, the problem is that if your skin care routine fails to address the #1 cause of premature aging as I’ve explained – results will be less than ideal.
That’s because like dominos each of the 3 causes can affect the other two…
This is why most anti-aging products don’t work well…
How can they if they don’t solve the #1 cause of premature aging?
However, when a skincare product DOES address the #1 cause - your skin can’t help but look younger.
But as a Certified Health Coach, I have to warn you...
Whatever you put on your skin does find its way into your bloodstream.
And that’s an important fact.
Many of the facial products you see out there are filled with preservatives, additives and chemicals.
So make sure that anything you use is as close to 100% all-natural as possible… Because natural solutions – unlike chemicals – are not toxic to our bodies…
In fact, a 100% natural solution is even better.
And I have just the thing.
The Ancient Key to Radiant & Youthful Skin
This leads to dead, mutated or unhealthy skin cells…
And it shows in the mirror…
Our body creates free radicals when we are stressed emotionally or physically… They also come from environmental factors like processed foods, pollution, sun damage and chemicals.
Antioxidants on the other hand are nature's remedy for free radicals… They bind with them and make them harmless…
So by delivering a massive dose of antioxidants directly onto your skin you provide immediate relief from the skin-aging free radicals that are impossible to avoid today…
And there’s no better way to do that than to use what I’m about to show you.
The Ancient Skin Care Solution Used By Cleopatra...
We in the health-community have been hearing about it for years...
The incredible, natural benefits of this potent liquid superfood.
Just one glass contains countless proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that all combine to give your internal organs an instant boost.
With the amino acids and antioxidants found in this natural elixir acting like ‘rocket fuel’ for your body’s natural processes.
And giving your immune system a much-needed boost.
Plus as icing on the cake, this superfood is also capable of killing pathogens including bacteria and viruses - just in time for flu season.
But it doesn’t stop there...
The acids it contains also bind to commercial toxins and carry them out of the body...
Helping to purify the blood, detoxify the liver and improve circulation.
Adding this potent superfood to your diet can also help alleviate constipation further helping to release toxic material from the body .
Which all explains why Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek founder of Modern Medicine (think the Hippocratic Oath to ‘Do no harm’ that all doctors swear to uphold), used it to clean wounds 350 years before the time of Christ.
In addition to being used as a cleaner and disinfectant this natural powerfood has been shown to treat everything from nail fungus to lice, warts... and even ear infections!
But the benefits don’t stop there….
Because after years of research I’ve also discovered that this ancient superfood also holds the key to...
Maintaining Healthy and Vibrant Skin.
And for good reason.
You see, this incredibly healthy superfood contains some very unique properties, it’s…
The Ancient Egyptians and Romans knew all about these potential uses.
And now you do too.
So what is this powerful ancient superfood I keep telling you about.
None other than Apple Cider Vinegar.
And thanks to modern science we are only now rediscovering the endless health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.
But I didn’t just want to smear Apple Cider Vinegar on my face every night…
I knew there had to be a better way.
I also knew that if Apple Cider Vinegar was THIS good for your skin.
There had to be other ingredients that were also beneficial.
Natural ingredients with powerful anti-aging properties.
And I was right.
What’s more…
Now you too can benefit from what I consider to be the world's best all natural anti-aging skin care product.
Without subjecting yourself to harmful chemicals, fillers and toxins.
It’s something I am very proud of and now I’d like to share it with you.
There’s nothing else like it.
The Ultimate
Anti-Aging Cream?
The ACV Secret was formulated with one thing in mind…
To bring back the youthful glow of younger and healthier skin.
The fact is...
Nature provides the best solutions…
No man-made chemical can compete…
And right now you’re probably wondering...
And here’s the answer.
You see The ACV Secret is only available through this page…
And I won’t lie – The ACV Secret is extremely difficult to make.
We follow a rigorous and expensive quality control process – both of which make it much more expensive to produce than most other skin care products.
The ACV Secret is far better than the luxury brands you see on high-end department stores shelves selling for $300 to $400 or more…
And compared to the money you’ve wasted on anti-aging products that don’t deliver… If The ACV Secret can deliver real changes you can see in your mirror…
Even at those prices – It’s worth every penny.
Especially when you consider that some people pay $20,000 to $30,000 for more for a face or neck lift…
And thousands more for botox, facials, chemicals peels and fillers.
Unfortunately, most people can't afford to spend $300 a jar for anti-aging skin cream…
And even if you can I wouldn’t feel right asking you to.
That’s why I struggled with the idea of how I should price this…
It’s hard to get the ingredients just right and we can only do limited production runs because of the way we make The ACV Secret.
My costs are several times higher than lower quality creams…
So, I could easily justify a higher price…
But I didn’t become a Certified Health Coach to take advantage of people…
Plus at higher prices it would mean that only a handful of other women could enjoy what I’ve created…
So, I ultimately decided to put my “mission” before profit…
And because my mission is to help millions of women feel beautiful again…
You won’t pay $300 or $400 for a jar (that lasts you about a month) …
I won’t even charge half of that price (even though The ACV Secret is easily worth $150 a jar!) …
Because you were invited to this page and you’re still reading way down here…
If you want to watch the face in the mirror age in reverse, you can claim your jar of The ACV Secret…
For only one payment of $47…
And when you decide to stock up you can claim a 6 jar pack for an even greater discount…
But there is a catch…
I can only guarantee this price until what I have on-hand runs out…
The prices of ingredients and the cost to manufacture The ACV Secret will inevitably go up at some point…
And because of that I have to take a look at pricing before I do another batch…
That’s why I encourage you to stock up today for maximum savings…
It’s the only way to make sure you get the best possible price on The ACV Secret…
But I’m still not done.
You see, when you choose the package that’s right for you…
You’ll be glad to know that your purchase is 100% protected by our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
I bet you’ve never seen an anti-aging skin cream offer that!
You see, I am so confident that you’re going to love the way you look after using The ACV Secret that if at any point in the next 60 days you don’t feel as if it’s turning back the clock...simply call our award winning customer service team and we’ll make sure you are fully taken care of and that you are fully satisfied.
Plus you’ll also receive free shipping today and on ALL future orders.
That’s a savings of as much as $12.95 per order.
So choose the 6 jar package below for the BIGGEST savings.
Right Now you have one of two options…
You can take what you’ve learned here and search for your own anti-aging solutions…
It’s a lot of work… And a steep investment… But you can do it…
You can join me and take advantage of all the hard work that went into creating The ACV Secret…
The ACV Secret is made with 100% natural ingredients.
So, unless you already have the perfect anti-aging solution, it makes sense to try The ACV Secret 100% risk-free today…
You’re fully protected by our full lifetime guarantee.
If you want to feel younger and more beautiful and see changes you like in the mirror – here’s what you need to do right now:
Find the button below that says, “Send Me My ACV Cream!"... Put your mouse over it… And click it…
Then choose the 6 jar option if you want the biggest savings.
Complete the form on the next page to start reducing the effects of aging on your skin today…
Just enter your order information and we'll rush your product to you by express shipping, in a plain box for your privacy…
It’s that easy...
The moment your box arrives, I want you to rip it open and take the lid off your first jar of The ACV Secret.
Smell the fresh scent… Feel the silky texture…
And as soon as possible (after you’ve removed your make-up) apply The ACV secret like you would any lotion… Then come back in one hour and see if you notice the first signs of positive change for yourself…
Choice #1:
Do Nothing
If you’re already using an anti-aging skin care solution that protects your skin from free radicals and fixes the 3 root causes of premature aging, you’re all set and choice #1 is a great choice…
But if you’re not, you can expect things to get worse… Your skin will sag more with age… become thinner… and more wrinkled…
That’s just nature taking its course...
So, unless older looking skin is your goal, choice one isn’t really an option…
Choice #2:
Do It Alone
Choice two is to try to figure this out on your own…
If I did it, you can do it…But it is a lot of work and most people won’t have the time, resources or contacts to make it happen…
So, the chances are high that if you take choice #2, you’ll find yourself back here in a few months claiming your supply of The ACV Secret…
Probably at a higher price…
And in the meantime, the 3 problems that age our skin will continue to do their damage… things will get worse and harder to reverse…
So, choice two really isn’t a good option either…
Choice #3:
Try The ACV Secret RISK-FREE with our LIFETIME Guarantee.
That leaves us with the third and best choice, which is to try The ACV Secret out for yourself risk free by clicking the button below…
Go ahead and click the button below and I look forward to hearing about your results!
Japanese Samurai warriors were said to drink it for strength and power.
Ancient Persians used it to lose weight.
Even Cleopatra is said to have used it on her face to clean her delicate skin.
And now you can too.
You see, according to a majority of skin care experts...wrinkles on your face are not nearly as visible to others as you think.
That’s right…
So while we’re obsessing over every last fine line and wrinkle on our face…
The world is focused on something else.
Our neck and neckline…
And most women neglect this area completely.
Not smart.
That’s because according to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery – sagging skin around the neck and jawline is the #1 sign of aging.
And if you think about it for a second, I think you’ll agree that it’s true.
Frankly, nothing says “old” like saggy skin…
The question is…
What can we do about it?
They all have the same 3 causes.
And when you know what the 3 causes are - you can find natural ways to address them…
That way, you can enjoy younger and healthier looking skin at any age…
And here they are…
Luckily there is a way to address all 3 causes of aging skin...
Remember earlier when I talked about free radicals?
Free radicals are early-aging agents that steal our youth… aging your face far too fast…
They set off a chain reaction that breaks down collagen, elastin and allow toxins to build.
They also damage your skin cell DNA and destroy the cell membrane…
The way I see it you have 3 choices...
And because it’s powered by apple cider vinegar...
You’ll start seeing younger skin within days – you’ll watch as the years fade from your face with each passing day.
And your confidence will grow as the compliments start rolling in one after another.
The ACV Secret is so easy to use.
Just rub a dime-sized amount onto your face, neck and neckline daily to see younger skin in the mirror…
You’ll see and feel the difference immediately as the ingredients go to work.
And it works long term because it addresses the #1 cause of premature aging and the 3 causes of “old skin”
And it does it all in about 1 minute a day...
After just a few weeks of daily use, you should see a happier, fresher, more energetic face in the mirror…
And when you look happier, fresher, and more energetic, you feel the same way…
The ACV Secret is ideal for anyone who wants to feel more beautiful…
For those who see sagging skin in their cheeks, around their mouth, or along their jaw, neck and neckline…
Or for those who want to prevent those things from happening…
It’s also ideal for those who want to use natural products.
And because The ACV Secret addresses the #1 cause of premature aging and the 3 causes of “old skin” your skin looks younger, healthier and more beautiful…
At any age…
per bottle
(This is a one-time payment)
Total: $47.00
per bottle
Total: $111
(This is a one-time payment)
per bottle
Total: $162
(This is a one-time payment)
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