The ‘SMART’ Scan for Instant Tension Release ($14.99 Value) 

As you know, muscle tension is one of the primary sources for ongoing, chronic pain.

This SMART scan is one of Dr. Josh’s favorite ways to release painful muscle tension from your entire body.

It combines several of the best mind-body practices into 1 simple and effective strategy.


The Comfort Food Meal Plan ($29.99 Value) 

As you may know, what you eat has a major impact on pain and inflammation.

That’s why Dr. Josh goes into great detail about the best anti-inflammatory foods to eat inside The Bone on Bone Secret.

In this bonus guide, you’re getting 21 mouth-watering recipes to help reduce inflammation…stabilize your blood sugar…and satisfy your appetite.


Here’s what just a few of our happy customers wanted to share with you about their experience…

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The End Of Arthritis?

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Dr. Josh: "Relieve Stabbing Knees, Hips, And Back With These 4 Simple Movements… 
In 15 Minutes Or Less Per Day…"

© year UpWellness. All Rights Reserved

From Dr. Joshua Levitt, ND—leading naturopathic physician with over 20 years of clinical experience helping thousands of patients heal from arthritis—comes his latest, highly-anticipated book for Americans who are tired of conventional medicine failing to adequately treat their pain:

Read Dr. Josh’s “The Bone on Bone Secret”

Relieves arthritis 
pain-free range of motion 
tight muscles 
you feel like yourself again

“In conventional medicine, doctors are all too happy to prescribe dangerous painkillers and put you under the knife. If you’ve been down that road, you know it often doesn’t end well. If you want to fix the true root cause of your pain and enjoy permanent relief…


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This simple, science-backed, pain-relief protocol has been proven effective in thousands of patients previously failed by conventional medicine

Natural and Holistic 
Pain-Relieving Breakthroughs on Every Page!

  • The S.U.R.F Method for complete and permanent pain relief. How to do these 4 simple movements in minutes per day from the comfort of your own home. These movements can be done by anyone regardless of pain severity. Proven effective in thousands of patients (page 124). 

  • How NSAIDs can actually make your pain worse by shutting off this crucial healing switch in your body (page 4)
  • Are imaging scans a scam? Why MRIs and X-rays often get the true source of your chronic pain WRONG (page 11)

  • The “Comfort Food” Framework. This simple and satisfying eating plan can help restore comfort and mobility to your joints (page 68) 

  • And so much more! 

No More Aching Knees… Sciatic Pain… Locked Hips…

Dear Friend,

Why are conventional doctors SO QUICK to prescribe addictive pharmaceuticals or surgery to treat pain?

You’ve seen (or maybe experienced) what can happen with these band aid solutions… 

Barbiturate medications leading to full on addiction… surgeries leaving patients all but paralyzed and drowning in medical debt…

What’s really going on here? 

There has GOT to be a better way. We’re not meant to live like this… like prisoners trapped in our own painful bodies that refuse to heal…

If you can relate to any of this. I know how you must feel. I know you’ve tried everything to stop the pain, to heal the promises…

You’ve tried everything your doctors recommended, but look where you are.

If you’ve been through the ringer of conventional treatments, including prescription pain relievers… joint injections… physical therapy… chiropractic… or even risky surgery…

You’re not alone.

But to REALLY help you, I have to be honest with you.

Listen to the same doctors, the same so-called experts, the same advice…

You’ll keep going down the same path…

So, I recommend you try something different.

This brand new book was created specifically for YOU.

What you’re about to discover isn’t theory or regurgitated advice you’ve read 100 times.

Rather, this book contains a blueprint forged from decades of experience helping thousands of patients heal their arthritis for good.

Often by doing the opposite of what conventional medicine tells you to do.

All you need are 4 easy movements… which you can perform from the comfort of your own home…

And when you perform these movements in the right way, you’ll be amazed at what can happen…

Sore, stiff joints suddenly feel strong and pain free - no more “morning stiffness”…

Lower back pain vanishes - you’ll be able to bend, twist, and get out of your chair without that intense, fiery pain…

Knee pain disappears - no more referring to your “good knee” and “bad knee”...

And pain in your shoulders, neck, hips, ankles, hands, wrists, and feet…

And Bill, a former NBA player. Bill developed wicked arthritis in both knees after years of playing basketball. He received multiple steroid and hyaluronic acid injections with little relief. Bill’s doctor recommended knee replacement surgery.

Instead, Bill went to see Dr. Josh. And thanks to Dr. Josh’s S.U.R.F. method, Bill avoided knee surgery. Today, Bill remains mostly pain-free in both knees.

You’ll notice a commonality between Arnold and Bill. Both eliminated severe chronic pain using the S.U.R.F. method.

(Don’t worry. There’s no actual surfing involved).

If you’d like to check out their full case studies, go to page 214 for Arnold and pages 277-278 for Bill.

First, you’re probably wondering exactly what the S.U.R.F. Method is…

…how it works…

…and, most importantly, how YOU can start using it to relieve your own pain. Let’s dive in…

Becomes nothing but a distant memory.

If you’re feeling skeptical right now, I don’t blame you.

However, the author of this invaluable book, Dr. Josh Levitt, has helped thousands of patients overcome severe cases of pain. Even cases that seemed hopeless.

Conventional doctors have even turned to Dr. Josh for help relieving their own pain. Just ask the physician who Dr. Josh treated in the middle of a crowded restaurant for his back pain!

The S.U.R.F. method consists of a series of 4 simple movements that must be performed in a specific sequence for best results.

While you may have seen some of these movements before, we can guarantee you’ve never seen this protocol. And that’s because this protocol was previously reserved for Dr. Josh’s personal clients.

But now he’s revealing it publicly for the first time ever in The Bone on Bone Secret.

The S.U.R.F. Method:

The Simple 4 Movement Protocol for Fixing Chronic Pain at the Source

There are 4 phases or steps to the S.U.R.F. method:

The magic of the S.U.R.F. method is not the individual movements. No, the real magic is the sequence in which they’re done to tackle the root cause of your pain.

Claim Your FREE Hardcover Copy of The Bone on Bone Secret While Limited Supplies Last

1). Stretching

Phase 1 is all about warming up and loosening those tight muscles with simple stretches. These stretches actually feel GOOD to do—provided you’re doing the right ones. Dr. Josh shows you the best stretches to do for every area of your body.

Most of these stretches can be done from a comfortable sitting or standing position.

2). Unlocking

Have you ever felt a painful “knot” in your neck, back or shoulders? Most of us have at some point. Well, these knots are known as trigger points. And trigger points are very common in chronic pain. They are extra sensitive and tight areas of a muscle. These trigger points are responsible for much of the pain you feel.

That’s why step 2 is all about releasing these painful trigger points. These simple techniques only take 10 to 20 seconds per repetition. Best of all, you can start feeling the difference immediately as painful tension is released from your muscles.

3). Resistance

Steps 1 and 2 are focused on relieving tension and pain.

Now it’s time to start strengthening those muscles to help restore pain-free mobility.

If your muscles remain weak, you’ll never get permanent pain relief. You can still get temporary relief, but the pain will keep coming back.

That’s why strengthening the muscles in your painful areas is critical. Yet this step often gets overlooked because it’s counterintuitive. And let’s be honest…when you’re in agony, you don’t feel like moving a whole lot. Let alone lifting weights.

Well, guess what?

You won’t be pumping iron at the gym. In fact, you never have to lift another free weight again if you don’t want to. That’s because Dr. Josh shows you how to do simple movements using just your body weight or resistance bands.

The last step of the S.U.R.F. method is functional movement. This may be the most important step of all.

This step focuses on restoring pain-free mobility and range of motion. So you can start living and enjoying life again.

In this phase, you’ll practice simple biomechanical movements that mimic activities you do every day. Such as walking up stairs, getting into the car, or opening a jar of tomato sauce.

After all, what good is relieving your pain if you still can’t get around and function the way you want?

4). Functional Movement

Here’s a Preview of The Life-Changing S.U.R.F. Method Insights and Techniques You’ll Discover Inside The Bone on Bone Secret

  • Why knowing the 4 ‘Fs’ of every painful area is essential to achieve permanent relief (page 129) 

  • The ‘MRI Mirage’. Why joint damage shown on imaging is often not the real underlying cause of pain. This especially applies to neck and back pain. Doctors make this dangerous assumption all the time, and you continue to suffer as a result (page 136). 

  • Case study: Robert, 64 year old accountant with chronic neck pain. By asking him 1 simple question, Dr. Josh figured out the true cause of Robert’s neck pain. And pain relief quickly followed. (Hint: it wasn’t his bulging or degenerating discs) (page 130)
  • The 5-second “pocket stretch” to release muscle tension in your neck (page 141).

  • The best trigger point technique for relieving painful “tech neck.” You only need your fingers and 30 seconds of your time (page 147)

  • How this easy “Yes-No” motion restores pain-free movement in your neck (page 155)

SURF Techniques for a Pain-Free Neck

  • The ‘quick fix technique’ that healed Gerry’s agonizing shoulder pain in just 2 weeks. Previously, Gerry’s pain was so bad he could barely lift his arm and was popping dangerous anti-inflammatory medication like candy (page 158)

  • How this simple “alignment tweak” can dissolve rotator cuff pain and increase range of motion (page 162) 

  • The RIGHT way and WRONG way to carry weight on your shoulders. People mess this up all the time and it could make your shoulder pain worse (page 184) 

SURF Techniques for Pain-Free Shoulders

  • The simple ‘rib pop’ technique that can eliminate upper back pain in an instant. Especially pain between your shoulder blades. Dr. Josh discovered this technique when he thought he was dying from a heart attack in medical school! (page 186) 

  • This “doorway stretch” works wonders for relieving ‘computer curve’ in your upper back. It straightens your spine and releases tension in your chest and upper back (page 197)

SURF Techniques for a Pain-Free Upper Back

  • Why a belt and towel is all you need to strengthen your upper back and shield it from pain and tightness (page 204)

  • Dr. Josh’s “Domino Flex” that squirts soothing blood flow through every vertebrae of your spine. You’ll enjoy a domino effect of relief as pain, stiffness, and tension melt away (page 209)

SURF Techniques for a Pain-Free Lower Back

Arnold was working out in the gym one day with his wife…when out of nowhere…he felt a ‘pop’ in his lower back. In an instant, Arnold buckled over in excruciating pain.

The pain was so bad, they had to call an ambulance to take Arnold to the local hospital emergency room. While there, the staff loaded him up with opioids and gave him X-rays and a MRI.

The radiologist diagnosed Arnold with severe disc herniation in his lower back. And of course, he recommended surgical consultation.

But this was a brand new injury. Arnold wasn’t ready to go under the knife yet.

Fortunately, Arnold made a smart choice and decided to see Dr. Josh instead.

Dr. Josh showed Arnold the simple SURF Method you’ve learned about here. Arnold faithfully did these 4 simple movements every day.

Before he knew it, Arnold’s lower back pain was gone. Now 6 years later, Arnold is still pain-free and active as ever.

Keep reading to learn more about the SURF movements Arnold used to cure his back pain.

Arnold—Lower Back Pain Case Study:

From Debilitating Pain in the Ambulance to Curing His Own Back Pain for Good

Claim Your FREE Hardcover Copy While Limited Supplies Last!

  • This SLAM sitting technique is remarkably effective at relieving hip bursitis and knee pain. This sitting technique is especially beneficial for women (pages 255-256) 

  • The “filet mignon” hip flexor test you must pass if you want mobile and pain-free hips (page 253)

SURF Techniques for Pain-Free Hips

  • How this “Keyhole” stretch works like a charm to release painful tension from your hips and pelvis (page 260)

  • Why “pleasure pain” is a sign these 3 trigger point techniques are doing their job to unlock painful muscles in your hips and pelvis (page 263)

  • Driver’s Seat Trick for taking pressure and strain off your hips while driving. Especially important when driving longer distances (page 276)
  • The “Rock Your Body” technique to instantly dissolve painful trigger points in your quads (page 294) 

  • This modified march is one of the best ways to restore mobility and circulation to your knees. And it’s easy to do regardless of age or fitness level (page 300)

SURF Techniques for Pain-Free Knees

  • Grab a chair for these 2 simple knee stretches that release painful tension in your quadriceps and hamstrings (page 286-287)

  • The ‘5X Rule’ for weight loss and knee pain relief. How even losing a small amount of weight can MULTIPLY your pain relief. Here’s the exact amount to lose to reap these benefits—it's much LESS than you think! (page 301)

SURF Techniques for Pain-Free Elbows, Wrists, and Hands

Ellen is a pharmaceutical sales rep who struggled with awful carpal tunnel pain and tennis elbow. She received multiple medications and steroid injections which offered little relief. At one point, Ellen became so desperate to get rid of her pain that she underwent carpal tunnel surgery.

And guess what? Not even the surgery eliminated her pain. Finally, Ellen decided to see Dr. Josh.

Dr. Josh taught her a few simple SURF movements to do every day. Now Ellen is completely pain-free and no longer has to wear wrist braces. Best of all, Ellen is back to playing one of her favorite sports, pickleball, 3 times a week!

Pick up your FREE copy of the book and flip to page 311 for the same SURF movements Ellen used to heal her carpal tunnel pain for good.

Case Study—Ellen.

From Debilitating Carpal Tunnel and Elbow Pain to Playing Pickleball 3 Times a Week!

  • The #1 trigger point technique for relieving carpal tunnel pain starting in just 10 to 20 seconds (page 316) 

  • Why this easy Jiu Jitsu move is surprisingly effective for restoring circulation and pain-free range of motion to your hands, wrists, and elbows (page 324) 

  • The ‘rubber band’ technique for building strength and relieving pain in individual fingers (page 322) 
  • Why treating plantar fasciitis with anti-inflammatory medication is one of the worst things you can do (page 335)

  • How a golf ball and frozen bottle of water can help unlock painful trigger points in your feet and calves (page 350-351) 

SURF Techniques for Pain-Free Ankles and Feet

  • Why this toe-drawing movement is one of the BEST techniques for restoring pain-free function and range of motion to your feet and ankles (page 357)

  • This 30 second stretch feels AMAZING on painful feet. Make sure you do it at this specific time every day for maximum pain relief (page 346) 

While the S.U.R.F. method is the cornerstone of this healing protocol…

That’s not the only thing you’ll learn inside The Bone on Bone Secret.

You’ll discover many other insights, tips, and tricks to help you heal your pain holistically. And make sure it never comes back.

Contrarian and Controversial Insights You Won’t Hear From Your Doctor

  • Do you like garlic on your pasta or cinnamon on your french toast? Why garlic, cinnamon, and these 10 other spices are delicious ways to reduce painful inflammation (page 72) 

  • 2 common pain treatments handed out to millions which are completely useless for low back pain. If your doctor recommends one of these, don’t bother wasting your time (page 5) 
  • “Herniated Discs”...”Spinal Stenosis”...Why most pain diagnoses in modern medicine aren’t true diagnoses and tell you nothing about the real underlying cause of your pain (page 7)

  • How your muscles are “starving to death” and contributing to your chronic pain (page 21)

  • The POLICE method for treating an acute injury. This is crucial for making sure it doesn’t turn into a chronic injury (page 24)

  • Watch out for the “car wreck” effect. How a minor incident can quickly turn into excruciating pain (page 25)
  • How this lesson from a worn out car tire can potentially save you from years of pain and suffering (page 27)

  • Muscle spasms don’t just happen because of injury. These 2 common everyday habits play a major role in muscle spasms too (page 47)

  • How this scar tissue protein is turning your muscles into a hardened, tense, and painful mess (page 55)
  • 2 simple methods for treating muscle fibrosis to restore soft, supple, and pain-free muscles (page 57)

  • The single best fat you can eat for soothing painful inflammation (page 64)

  • Not all fruits are good for you. Why darker fruits like these are your best bet for pain relief (page 71)

  • Do you like steak and eggs? Good, because they’re brimming with this natural compound that promotes lubricated joint cartilage. It also detoxifies your liver of harmful NSAIDs (page 77)

  • The SMART scan technique for instant relief of muscle tension. Do this every day from the comfort of home. It only takes a few minutes (page 82)
  • The ‘MBSR’ pain relief and stress reduction method. Effective for all forms of chronic pain, including low back pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia (page 87)

  • Trouble Sleeping? How this “Sleep Train” Trick can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply every night (page 97)

  • Why chocolate and coffee are GREAT, guilt-free options for reducing stress and satisfying your sweet tooth at the same time (page 101)
  • Dr. Josh’s favorite pain-relieving herb on the planet. Clinically proven to extinguish inflammation and regenerate healthy joint cartilage (page 105)

  • The ONLY type of Turmeric you should ever take for pain relief. Look for these 3 letters and 2 numbers on the label to make sure you’re getting a therapeutic dose every time (page 106)

  • This delicious tropical fruit extract delivers unique, double-action pain relief. It dissolves internal scar tissue blocking blood flow and squeezing sensitive nerves. And it relieves inflammation just as well as NSAID medications, but without the dangerous side effects (page 109).

  • This natural protein is stronger than steel and can help you rebuild healthy cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Here’s how much to add to your daily diet for best results (page 115).

  • The shocking truth about glucosamine. Why you should only ever use this 1 type to promote healthy and hydrated joint cartilage (page 116)

Claim Your FREE Copy of The Bone on Bone Secret: Dr. Joshua Levitt’s Natural Arthritis & Inflammation Solution for Pain-Free Living—While Limited Supplies Last!

The Bone on Bone Secret retails for $29.99. But you can claim your FREE paperback copy today only on this page. All we ask is that you cover the small shipping and handling fee listed below.

Just fill out the form below and we’ll rush your copy of The Bone on Bone Secret right to your door!

These recipes are quick, easy, and taste AMAZING. Here’s a sneak peak at some of the delicious recipes included:

  • Sweet potato waffles

  • Huevos rancheros

  • Vegan shepherd’s pie

  • Gnocchi with summer squash

  • Thai salad with garlic sesame dressing 
  • Salted caramel coconut bliss balls 

  • Power packed fudge 

  • Peanut butter cookies

And don’t worry, we have plenty of guilt-free options to satisfy your sweet tooth too:

This guide also includes a simple 7 day meal plan to help you get the best results.

Not only will this comfort food meal plan help you relieve your pain while enjoying food again…

But it could help you slim down as well if you follow it consistently.

You can easily do this at home in just minutes per day. Combine this proven technique with the SURF movements for even faster tension release!


The Daily Gratitude and Awe Journal ($29.99 Value) 

Believe it or not, feeling gratitude is scientifically proven to help relieve pain.

One multi-university study of people with chronic hip and knee pain showed remarkable results. The group who practiced gratitude every day enjoyed significantly more improvement in pain, morning stiffness, and ability to function compared to the group who did not practice gratitude.

This daily gratitude journal only takes a couple minutes of your time each day. Not only can it help reduce your pain, but it will help you feel happier as well!

Follow the Science. References and Research for All-Natural Pain Relief ($14.99 Value) 


This exclusive report can help silence even the most skeptical doctor when it comes to natural pain relief.

Many conventional doctors scoff at the idea of taking supplements for pain. That’s only because they’re ill-informed.

In this report, we cover some of the key studies that prove certain herbs and vitamins are effective for pain relief. We review these studies in easy-to-understand language.

Not only can you use this info to make an informed decision on which herbs are best for you…

But you can use it to educate your doctor if he or she tries to convince you supplements don’t work.


Sci-Fi Pain Relief ($14.99 Value) 

Not all medical treatments are useless when it comes to relieving chronic pain. There are actually some newer and innovative methodologies in the works.

We would be remiss if we left these out. Again, our goal is to give you a truly holistic view when it comes to managing your pain.

Inside this report, you’ll learn about cutting edge technologies in the fields of regenerative medicine, stem cells, peptides and more.

While these aren’t the first-line recommendations you’ll find inside The Bone on Bone Secret…

These are promising strategies that may become helpful at some point. Now you’ll be the first to know about them!

Claim Your FREE Hardcover Copy of The Bone on Bone Secret & Bonuses While Limited Supplies Last!

Tape Your Pain Away: How to Use K-Tape for Rapid Relief ($14.99 Value) 


If you watch football or basketball, you’ve probably noticed athletes wearing strips of tape on different parts of their bodies. Their shoulders, arms, thighs, knees, and so on.

Well, there’s a reason for that. And it’s not a fashion statement. This is a special kind of tape called kinesiology tape. Also known as k-tape.

Kinesiology tape helps improve circulation and reduce inflammation in injured areas. K-tape is supported by dozens of clinical studies.

Inside this bonus report, Dr. Josh shows you how to use k-tape for extra pain relief. You’ll learn how to easily apply it for back pain, knee pain, foot pain, and more.


Stand Up For Yourself: Why Improving Your Balance is Key to a Long and Healthy Life ($29.99 Value) 

Can you balance on one leg for at least 10 seconds?

If not, you could have an 84% increased risk of death!

That may sound crazy, but it’s true.

Brazilian researchers conducted a balance study in 1,700 people. They gave them this ‘stand on one leg’ balance test.

The researchers then tracked the health of all study participants over the next 7 years. To their shock, the people who failed this balance test had an 84% higher risk of dying during the 7 year follow up!

Simply put, good balance is linked to longevity.

And when it comes to pain relief, good balance is an absolute must. It helps correct musculoskeletal misalignments.

In this bonus, Dr. Josh shows you his favorite exercises for restoring good balance. This is your secret weapon for faster and more profound pain relief. Plus, it could help boost your longevity too!

Dr. Josh’s Top Product Picks ($14.99 Value) 


In this bonus report, Dr. Josh shares his favorite product selections to aid you in your pain relief journey.

From trigger point release balls…to foam rollers…to k-tape…to self-massagers and more.

Now you won’t have to worry about whether you’re buying a quality product or not. Dr. Josh has done the homework for you.


FREE 1 Month Test Drive of Natural Medicine Insider! 
($24.99 Value) 

For the past 5 years, Dr. Josh has written his highly-acclaimed newsletter, Natural Medicine Insider.

In every issue, Dr. Josh shares the latest natural health breakthroughs that can help you look and feel your best. 

This newsletter goes far beyond management of chronic pain. Natural Medicine Insider covers the entire spectrum of your health. So if you’re looking for help losing weight…boosting your energy levels…or increasing your longevity…you’ll love this newsletter.

Here’s a glimpse of topics covered in previous issues of Natural Medicine Insider:

  • 5 common foods Americans eat every day that are BANNED in other countries due to health risks (August 2023) 

  • How this relaxing Japanese ritual can melt away aches and pains and reduce high blood pressure (August 2023) 

  • The surprising way your neighbors could help add years to your life (August 2023) 

  • What your doctor won’t tell you about prednisone. And why taking too much for too long could increase your risk of falls and fractures (April 2023) 
  • How this reverse-weight lifting’ technique strengthens muscle the same as weight lifting in only HALF the time (April 2023)

  • The BEST type of massage for relieving low back pain (April 2023)

  • The brain-boosting superfruit that improved memory function in a study of 1,000 seniors (December 2022)
  • Dr. Josh’s ‘Thyme Steam’ Home Remedy for keeping your nose, mouth, and throat free from harmful viruses (December 2022)

  • 7 Easy Ways to Have Picture-Perfect Poops. Try this simple “poop posture” technique for less straining and more effortless bowel movements (December 2022)

  • Why this “controversial candy” not only tastes delicious, but can help soothe heartburn, eczema, and menopause symptoms (November 2022)

  • Looking for an energy boost? Don’t rely on coffee. In this issue, Dr. Josh explains why coffee only provides “zombie energy.” Instead, try these 4 natural herbs to enjoy a healthy energy boost that lasts (November 2022)

  • Why colon cleanses are a complete SCAM. Here’s what Dr. Josh recommends instead if you struggle with constipation (March 2022)

  • How this common piece of home decor can elevate your mood and reduce stress. Supported by scientific research from Harvard and Rutgers (March 2022)
  • Dr. Josh’s 4-Step Immune-Boosting Protocol. This simple, all-natural protocol can turn your immune system into a steel fortress (March 2022)

  • Why we’re in the middle of the biggest human energy crisis in history. And 11 conditions to watch out for that can steal your vitality like a thief in the night (May 2022)

  • The Bedtime Snacking Myth Debunked. Why eating this 1 specific type of snack right before bed can improve sleep and stabilize blood sugar levels (May 2022)
  • How this “lubricating elixir” helps grease your joints and digestive tract. Here’s how much you should consume every day for best results (February 2022)

  • How this “perfect exercise” can get you lower rates on life insurance. It’s also one of the best forms of exercise you can do if you have joint pain (February 2022)

  • Are you a victim of Drug-induced Nutrient Depletion? How common medications like antacids, blood pressure pills, and cholesterol drugs can rob you of crucial, life-sustaining nutrients (April 2021)

  • Why the standard pharmaceutical approach is like trying to eliminate a fly with a flamethrower. This puts millions of patients at unnecessary risk. Is your doctor doing this to you? (April 2021)

  • 6 Prescriptions Every Doctor Should Write and Every Patient Should Take (August 2021)

  • Why you should consume more of these 3 “guilty pleasures” to boost your mood, motivation, and energy (December 2021)

  • How this “Purple Oatmeal” Trick can quell inflammation, boost cardiovascular health, strengthen your immune system, and enhance cellular repair (December 2021)

When you purchase Bone on Bone Secret you will gain access to a 1-month trial of Natural Medicine Insider. Once your free trial is up, you will be charged $97 for the following year. You will lock in this extremely low rate and it will never increase. You can simply cancel anytime by contacting us at (800) 876-2196.

These are just a few of the eye-opening topics covered in previous issues of Natural Medicine Insider by Dr. Josh.

Access to ALL Previous Issues of Natural Medicine Insider! ($485.99 Value) 


Natural Medicine Insider has been in publication since 2018.

So when you order your free copy of The Bone on Bone Secret today, you’re getting access to 5 years of back issues instantly.

At $97/year, that brings the total value of this bonus to $485! 

And when you claim your FREE copy of The Bone on Bone Secret book today…

You’ll receive instant digital access to ALL 10 bonuses. That means you can dive in immediately from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

Remember, The Bone on Bone Secret retails for $29.99.

All 10 bonuses combined are worth $674.

That’s $703.99 in total value…yours  FREE  when you act today. We just ask you to pay the $9.95 shipping and handling fee so we can mail you The Bone on Bone Secret book.

To Your Freedom From Chronic Pain,

The UpWellness team on behalf of Dr. Josh Levitt.

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The Bone on Bone Secret is a brand new book published by Dr. Josh. We love giving away free copies to our loyal readers and subscribers to celebrate a new release! Plus, since it’s a new launch, this also helps spread positive word-of-mouth. Because we know once you dig into The Bone on Bone Secret and all the bonuses, you’ll happily share your incredible transformation with your friends and family!

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Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today.

The S.U.R.F. Method and other insights shared inside The Bone on Bone Secret aren’t theory.

They’re proven principles based on Dr. Josh’s 20+ years of helping his patients heal from all forms of chronic pain. The S.U.R.F. Method has been proven effective in thousands of people.

The only way it won’t work for you, is if you don’t do it. Consistency is key. This should become a new part of your daily routine. And since it takes so little time to do, fitting it into your daily schedule is easy.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today. 


Now, depending on how many sets you want to do for each movement, it could take longer.

Also, some people like to do these S.U.R.F. movements twice a day instead of once.

This is entirely optional. But you may find you get faster relief with twice a day sessions.  

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today. 

The timeframe can vary depending on any delays with the postal service. However, most customers will receive their book within 3 to 5 business days.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today. 

Until we giveaway all 500 copies. We only have 500 copies of The Bone on Bone Secret available each day. So if you leave this page and try to come back later - we could be sold out. So don’t wait, because it might not be here if you come back later.

If this page is still live and the order form is still visible, you’re in luck.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today. 

Now there is one catch…

As part of this special promotion, we only have 500 copies of The Bone on Bone Secret available today.

And once they’re gone…they’re gone. Then you’ll have to pay the full retail price of $29.99. And there’s no guarantee you’ll still get access to these bonuses.

So what are you waiting for?




Every month, Dr. Josh sends a new issue right to your email inbox. Each issue is packed with science-backed tips and strategies to upgrade every aspect of your health.

Guaranteed, you won’t hear about these natural health breakthroughs from your doctor.

20% of the participants couldn’t do it.

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Then I’d love to send you a FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret—plus 10 FREE bonus gifts valued at $674—to help you finally defeat your pain and enjoy life again!”

  • This simple twist movement can be done from the comfort of your bed or couch! Instantly releases painful tension from your lower back (page 228) 

  • The 3 BEST trigger point techniques for releasing that painful “locked up” feeling in your lower back. When using these techniques, you can eliminate any painful trigger point in as little as 2 to 3 minutes (pages 229-232) 
  • The “Yoga Ball” technique for decompressing your lumbar spine. Not only does this open up your lower back for welcomed pain relief, but it’s very relaxing too. So relaxing in fact, you might find yourself getting sleepy while doing it (page 236)

  • Why this Superhero Pose is one of the best things you can do to build a strong and resilient lower back. Takes as little as 60 seconds each day (page 240)

  • The little-known mattress tweak that can give more support to your lower spine and help you get a better night’s sleep (page 248) 

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Why Are You Giving This Away For Free?

The Bone on Bone Secret is a brand new book published by Dr. Josh. We love giving away free copies to our loyal readers and subscribers to celebrate a new release! Plus, since it’s a new launch, this also helps spread positive word-of-mouth. Because we know once you dig into The Bone on Bone Secret and all the bonuses, you’ll happily share your incredible transformation with your friends and family!

Are There Any Hidden Charges?

Absolutely not! We hate that stuff as much as you do. However, after your free 1 month trial of Natural Medicine Insider ends, you will have the option to renew your subscription for an entire year. Here’s how that works:

Before your free month is up, we’ll send you a few emails asking what you want to do.

If you decide you’re loving Dr. Josh’s monthly newsletter and want to continue, great! Do nothing and we’ll automatically renew you for a 1 year subscription at $97.

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The only thing you’ll pay today is the one time fee of $9.95 to cover shipping and handling.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today.

How Do I Know If The Bone on Bone Secret Will Work for Me?

The S.U.R.F. Method and other insights shared inside The Bone on Bone Secret aren’t theory.

They’re proven principles based on Dr. Josh’s 20+ years of helping his patients heal from all forms of chronic pain. The S.U.R.F. Method has been proven effective in thousands of people.

The only way it won’t work for you, is if you don’t do it. Consistency is key. This should become a new part of your daily routine. And since it takes so little time to do, fitting it into your daily schedule is easy.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today.

Can I Really Do the S.U.R.F. Method in 15 Minutes or Less Per Day?


Now, depending on how many sets you want to do for each movement, it could take longer.

Also, some people like to do these S.U.R.F. movements twice a day instead of once.

This is entirely optional. But you may find you get faster relief with twice a day sessions.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today.

How Long Will it Take to Receive My Book?

The timeframe can vary depending on any delays with the postal service. However, most customers will receive their book within 3 to 5 business days.

Click here to claim your FREE, physical copy of The Bone on Bone Secret now—while we still have copies left to give away today.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Bone on Bone Secret


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Heal Arthritis With  Dr. Joshua Levitt’s Natural Solution for Pain-Free Living

If You Keep Trying The Same Solutions… 
Listening To The Same People… 
You Will Get The Same Results…

When you pick up your free copy of The Bone On Bone Secret today—you’ll hear from some of his patients. You’ll see these incredible case studies of how Dr. Josh helped them eliminate their pain and transform their lives.

Like Arnold, who sustained low back pain so excruciating, an ambulance had to be called to take him to the emergency room.

Yet after following the simple S.U.R.F. method taught by Dr. Josh…Arnold eliminated his back pain. 6 years later, Arnold is still pain-free.

Dr. Joshua Levitt

Who Is Dr. Joshua Levitt?

Dr. Levitt has been so successful treating cases of chronic pain where conventional medicine has failed—that he has earned the title “Dr. Inflammation” from his patients and colleagues. He currently runs a thriving holistic medicine practice in New England and serves as a clinical preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine. 

Dr. Joshua Levitt is a board-certified naturopathic physician. He holds a physiology degree from UCLA and a doctorate from Bastyr University. For 20+ years, Dr. Levitt has treated thousands of patients with his unique, holistic approach. He specializes in helping people overcome chronic pain with his proprietary S.U.R.F. method.