Hi, I'm Dr. Joshua Levitt,

I wanted to share with you a true story of an experience that I had in my office here in Connecticut.

Joseph was at his wits end with his stomach... 

One week, he’d suffer from non-stop diarrhea. Meals were immediately followed by a sprint to the bathroom, many times JUST making it before the explosion rocked his toilet. 

He couldn’t schedule anything without being terrified of having an accident in public. His social life was dictated by how close to the bathroom he could be at any given time. 

The next week, the script would flip…

… and he would go up to an entire week between bowel movements.

His stomach felt like a pressure cooker, backed-up with stool.  After a few days, the toxic mass of feces inside him created a feeling of constant nausea, bloating, discomfort, and pain.

Sometimes the pressure on his lower back got so bad, he could hardly walk.

On top of that was the agony he suffered on a daily basis...

Something was wrong, and he couldn’t figure out what it was.

He tried everything to get his bowel movements under control…

Psyllium husk… 

Low and high fiber diets… 

Low and high carb diets… 

Popping antacids like they were candy... 

Removing certain “trigger” foods from his life… 

Stress management techniques… 

Stool softeners during his constipation periods… 


He even went to his primary doctor who tried several medications. None of those worked, so his doctor referred him to a gastroenterologist… who prescribed him even more medications. None of those worked either.

Months later… with a lighter wallet due to hundreds of dollars in prescription copays… not to mention the missed work and pain and suffering he went through…

… he was no better off than when he started.

Nothing worked… 

Until the day he discovered an unusual digestive "hack” which would change his life forever... 

He’s eating his favorite foods (tacos and pizza) again, which used to trigger unbearable symptoms… 

His bowel movements have become very regular, predictable, and controllable, going every single day without fail...

The days of his body giving him a 10 second window to get to the toilet? Gone... 

His stool is soft, brown, and comes out in one long piece, just like it’s supposed to… 

In fact, he’s off of the toilet in less than one minute, compared to 10+ minutes before... 

I’ll explain exactly what Joseph discovered, and how you can use it in your own life, starting today.

Because today Joseph is not only fine, he is now THRIVING…

In fact, he’s eating the foods he loves again without worrying about the symptoms he used to have. 

All thanks to the unusual secret I’ll reveal on the pages below.

But before I do that, let me ask you this…

Are you experiencing any of the uncomfortable, embarrassing symptoms Joseph went through?

If so, and even if your symptoms aren’t quite as severe as Joseph’s, I have both good and bad news.

The bad news is, if you’re suffering from painful constipation, diarrhea that has you searching for bathrooms in every public place you visit, bloating and discomfort making you look 10 pounds heavier, frequent nausea or that dreaded “sour stomach” feeling, or irregularity in your bowel movements… 

… it can’t get better until you solve the root cause of what’s causing it.

But don’t worry!

There IS hope.

Because here’s the good news...

On this page, I’ll describe the simple, fast-acting solution that’s changed the lives of people all around the world.

It’s something Life Extension magazine calls “The Missing Link” to controlling your digestive system...

… and it’s something I’ve been personally recommending to my private patients for nearly 20 years to help get their digestive system under control. Especially when nothing else is working.

The best part?

It’s completely safe, 100% natural, and works WITH your body…

It doesn’t require any prescription medications or surgery... 

I’ll explain what it is and why nothing else has worked for you in just a moment.

But first, let me tell you a little about myself so you see why I’m so passionate about this subject…

My Name Is Dr. Joshua Levitt, And I’ve Spent My Entire Career Showing People How To Reclaim Their Health  In A Very Unique Way... 

I have a unique approach to medicine that combines conventional practices with natural medicine. I started my education by getting a degree in physiology from UCLA. This is where I learned the modern science that drives the practice of conventional medicine.

Conventional medicine is fantastic in certain circumstances (like trauma, surgery, and acute/severe illness, etc.), but it has many limitations... 

It focuses on brute force and masking symptoms, rather than giving your body the tools it needs to heal itself from within... 

It relies on synthetic pharmaceuticals, which can be patented and sold at extreme prices, instead of all-natural ingredients that can be found inexpensively, without side effects...

And it focuses on short-term solutions to long-term problems, instead of discovering the root cause of what’s causing your symptoms, and fixing that instead of reaching for a dangerous drug…

In my opinion, too many people make the mistake of being “only” conventional or “only” naturopathic. There are benefits to both, which is why I took my conventional medical education and combined it with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the prestigious Bastyr University, along with formal residency training in integrative (“best of both worlds”) medicine in Seattle.

Since then, I’ve spent the past 18 years working with thousands of patients at my private practice in Connecticut, and enjoy being a clinical preceptor, overseeing medical residents from the School of Medicine at Yale. I now show people how to restore their health with a unique blend of nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, and physical medicine.

And because I’ve had so much experience helping so many thousands of patients, I’ve been able to discover what health changes create sustained, cascading effects on the rest of your life. This means that when you solve one health problem, it creates lasting, long-term benefits in multiple areas of your life.

That’s why I have such a laser-focused interest in digestive health. Your digestive system is literally and figuratively the center of your body. It’s the core which dictates how the rest of your body works. If it’s functioning properly, you feel energetic, youthful, and just plain GOOD.

But if it’s not…

Well... if you’re reading this page, you know exactly what that feels like.

In fact...

At first they try some simple things, like switching up their diet.

If a low carb/high fat diet is giving them stomach issues, they think too much fat is causing the problem. So they change it to a more balanced approach. And it still doesn't work. So they try high carb/low fat… still nothing.

On and on it goes with no change. 

Then they try removing certain “trigger” foods from their diets, such as dairy, sugars, gluten, greasy/fatty foods, etc.

But Nothing Has Worked!

Not only is this miserable (who wants to live a life where you can’t enjoy your favorite foods?)... often, it still doesn’t even work for them.

Even worse is that many products have hidden allergies in them. Certain chips, for example, have hidden milk products in them (lactose and whey).

If you’re sensitive to gluten, forget it! Accidentally eating gluten if you’re sensitive will ruin your day faster than your boss making you work late without bonus pay. And nearly everything these days has “some” gluten in it, due to cross-contamination. It’s almost impossible to escape.

And if you’re constipated, you’ve probably given laxatives a try. And while laxatives can make you go to the bathroom and relieve that “rock in your stomach” feeling, they cause ALL sorts of issues, including…





Thirst and dehydration... 


It’s interesting that they cause these side effects, considering they’re all the issues you’re trying to avoid in the first place!

And if you’re suffering from chronic diarrhea, you’ve probably tried a high fiber diet. But for many of you, that can cause many of those same issues…




… again, the same side effects that are the same or worse than you’re trying to avoid.

I’ve probably only scratched the surface on everything you’ve tried.

The point is, nothing is working for you for a very specific reason…

… and I’m about to tell you what that is...

The Missing Piece That Controls The Health Of Your Entire Digestive System Is...

Put simply, enzymes spark and accelerate chemical reactions within your body, with the purpose of maintaining balance. There are thousands of them inside your body, each with a different, specific biochemical job. Enzymes are essential in every body system...if fact, life as we know it could not exist without them. 

There are specialized enzymes that help you blood clot at the site of a wound. There are others that regulate cellular energy production, metabolism, and detoxification. And enzymes control DNA synthesis and repair...as I said earlier...life (and health) absolutely depends on the persistent and perpetual work of enzymes. 

And today we’re talking about a very specific family of enzymes with one single, critical job…

Helping you maintain proper digestion.

Now you may or may not have heard of the importance of digestive enzymes.

If you haven’t, I’ll explain how they work and why they’re the cornerstone of digestive health.

If you have, and maybe you’ve even tried them without success, I’ll explain WHY that is and how to find a digestive enzyme supplement that will work for you.

Put simply, digestive enzymes break down the food you eat into small molecules that your body can absorb through the wall of your small intestine. From there, your blood absorbs the nutrients and delivers them throughout the rest of your body.

But many people with digestive symptoms do not make enough digestive enzymes. 

Let’s start with how they work…

Let’s use the example of lactose, which is the sugar in dairy products...and a very common trigger for digestive upset.

If you don’t make enough of the enzyme “lactase” (the enzyme which breaks down lactose), the undigested lactose travels into your colon, where it becomes food for your intestinal bacteria. When those bacteria eat the lactose you didn't digest...they then flood your bowels with fluid and gas.

This creates uncomfortable bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

But having the proper enzymes in your system creates… 

This is one of the magical properties I’ve found with digestive enzymes.

To explain how enzymes control your bowel movements, let me compare it to your body heat.

Your body likes to maintain an average temperature of about 98 degrees. 

If you get too hot, you begin to sweat. That’s because sweat cools you down...

If you get too cold, you begin to shiver. That’s because shivering warms you up... 

This same type of constant balancing is SUPPOSED to happen in your digestive system. Your body has built-in mechanisms for regulating how often you go to the bathroom.

And if your bowel movements are not regular, soft, brown, easy to pass, and easy to clean up afterward, you’re likely suffering from...

The “Silent Plague” Preventing Most Americans 

Reason #1:

Stress induces a “fight or flight” reaction...and that causes the body to divert its energy into critical survival functions. During a fight or flight reaction, digestion gets shut down and the secretion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes decreases. 

Unfortunately, even low levels of stress create this reaction. A stressful day at work… worrying about bills… fighting with your spouse… a bad night of sleep… everything that happens to you on a near daily basis is causing your enzymes to become depleted.

Digestive enzymes can’t cure the source of that stress, of course, but they can help alleviate some of the digestive consequences that come along with it. 


Until we discover the fountain of youth, getting older is a reality that we need to accept. It can certainly be done gracefully, but it is important to understand that, like many other bodily functions, digestive enzyme levels typically begin to decrease around the age of 40. This is why so many people who never had digestive problems earlier in their life began to complain about them in middle age.

Reason #2:

Advancing Age

Your diet is a major contributor to digestive health. Most people are getting too MUCH of the toxic/enzyme-depleting factors such as sugars, bad fats, pesticides, and herbicides)... and too LITTLE of the enzyme-boosting factors such as micronutrients, antioxidants, and fiber.

And even if you are eating a healthy diet, you’re likely not getting the enzymes you need because of… 

Reason #3:

Poor Diet

You need stomach acid to digest your food. And, there are two main reasons why millions of people do not have enough. 

Stress:  See Reason #1 above... 

Drugs: Acid-blocking medications (both OTC and prescription) do exactly that...they decrease hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach. This results in a condition called “hypochlorhydria” which, not surprisingly, impairs digestive function and decreases the amount of digestive enzymes your body produces..

And that’s a shame.

Because not only do digestive enzymes help build a strong, bulletproof stomach allowing you to eat your favorite foods again...

Reason #4:

Insufficient Stomach Acid

Enzymes Create All-Day Energy Without NEEDING Caffeine Or Other Stimulants

As I mentioned, the proper digestive enzymes help your body absorb more micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, etc.) from the food you eat.

This is especially important for folks who don’t always eat the most nutritious diet… but it’s also important for people who eat well. That’s because modern industrial agriculture has created foods that are a lot less nutritious than they look...there are many studies that demonstrate that the levels of micronutrients in food are substantially lower than they used to be.

Consider this quote from Scientific American...

“Yet another study concluded that one would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one.”

The fact that our food is less nutritious than decades ago gives you a double whammy…

The same food you eat today is significantly less nutritious than it was just a few decades ago, and continues to get worse with each passing year…

If you’re suffering from a lack of enzymes, that nutritionally depleted food isn’t getting broken down and your body isn't absorbing the nutrients that are in it…

THAT is why you feel constantly fatigued… like your internal gas tank is always running “on fumes”...

You’re lacking the vital nutrients your body needs to create its own energy!

But when you do have enough enzymes, the food you eat gets broken down properly, and your cells begin soaking up those essential  micronutrients you need for all-day energy without having to run to coffee or other stimulants just to keep you going.

But that’s not all they do…

Enzymes also... 

As I’ve mentioned, your body likes to maintain balance.

When it doesn’t get enough sleep, it makes you tired so you sleep more…

When you push too hard, it makes your muscles sore so you don’t overdo it…

And when it doesn’t have enough nutrients, it makes you HUNGRY by creating “fake cravings” so you’re practically forced to eat!

But when it gets enough nutrients, it relaxes...

Cravings vanish, you stay full longer after meals, and you feel more satisfied with the food you eat.

Which brings up the question...

But unfortunately, restoring normal, natural digestive function requires and understanding of natural medicine, including the use of digestive enzymes.

Your doctor has virtually no education or training in natural medicine. It is simply not what they do. In fact, asking your doctor about natural medicine would be a lot like asking your electrician to look at your toilet.

But WHY is this? 

Remember earlier when I mentioned that conventional medicine is great for some things, but not so great for others?

Well, treating the ROOT CAUSE of digestive problems falls under the “not so great” category.

As I’m sure you have experienced… at the end of most doctor’s visits, the patient walks away with a prescription. With over 4 billion prescriptions filled every year in the US (and that’s not counting the additional 1.7 billion prescriptions that never even get picked up) it’s clear that prescription medications are “the drug of choice” for mainstream medicine.   

Because digestive enzymes are natural products, not synthetic pharmaceuticals. And that means that they can’t be patented and sold as a pharmaceutical drug.

And if it’s not a pharmaceutical...mainstream physicians are out of their lane.

It’s not that your doctor is a bad person… or they don’t have your best interest at heart… it’s that conventional medical school literally doesn’t teach these types of things.

I know that first hand…and I’m doing my best to fix it!

But I know from firsthand experience (having personally helped thousands of my own patients) that if you take the RIGHT digestive enzyme, you’ll benefit from…

Faster stomach emptying, less fullness after meals, and better food tolerability with less “trigger” foods…

Less reflux and heartburn (which happens because the food is sitting in the stomach too long)...

Better absorption of nutrients in food which boosts your energy and helps your entire body function properly…

Improvements in the diversity and balance of the microbiome because better food breakdown leaves less for the bad intestinal microbes to ferment, and that means less gas, bloating, and discomfort…

More balanced bowel regularity (meaning those who go too often will go less, and those going too little will go more)...

The ability to eat more of your favorite foods again without worrying about the “explosive” consequences they might have...

Most Digestive Enzyme Supplements Simply Don’t Work

That’s because, as usual, most companies out there are simply trying to make a quick buck.

You see, in order for digestive enzymes to be effective… 

They must contain the right TYPES of enzymes - That’s because there are specific enzymes which have specific jobs. Some break down fats, some break down sugars, some break down proteins, some break down gluten, etc. You want to look for an enzyme supplement which covers ALL your bases, so you can properly absorb both your “trigger” foods and any other foods you choose to eat. 

As you can tell, digestive enzymes WORK… but only if you take the right types in the right amounts, from a reliable and trustworthy source.

They must contain the right AMOUNT of enzymes - Imagine driving 3,000 miles from New York to California on a single tank of gas. It simply can’t happen! It’s not that the car doesn’t work, it’s that it doesn’t have enough gas to complete the task. That’s how enzymes work. In order for them to work properly, it’s crucial that you have enough of each type of enzyme to fully break down your food so your body can absorb it and you experience a noticeable difference. 

They must be produced by a TRUSTWORTHY source - This is more important than most people realize. There are a lot of companies selling enzymes, and most don’t work because they’re trying to produce a cheap product and swindle you with impressive marketing speak. Or they’re using a manufacturer who doesn't test the ingredients, which means you never know if you’re actually getting what you pay for! That’s why it’s crucial to order from someone you trust. 

That’s Why I Created Total Revive+

Total Revive+ is a physician-formulated, broad spectrum digestive enzyme formula that naturally helps your body digest, absorb, and assimilate the nutrients in your food so you can enjoy more energy, give your body more nutrients, and feel GREAT regardless of what you eat.

Now, of course you can’t eat tacos, pizza and desserts for every meal and expect to feel perfect. I’m a naturopathic physician and it’s part of my job to encourage you to eat a balanced diet and try to make healthy choices for most of your meals..

But I also live in the “real world” and I understand that comfort foods and other not-so-healthy choices are a fact of life.

Because the fact is, you absolutely can enjoy those foods more often, without constantly worrying about soiling yourself in public, spending half your day on the toilet, or feeling painfully bloated after every meal.

Plus you’ll love how they...

Promote a healthy microbiome, to improve mood, immunity and so much more 

Enhance the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in food, so you enjoy more natural all-day energy without crashes after eating...

Decrease food cravings and assist in detoxification, to boost energy levels and weight loss... 

Improve digestion of your currently “forbidden” foods, allowing you to enjoy eating and not be limited by a strict, bland diet... 

Decrease gas, bloating, and indigestion, improve bowel regularity, and even decrease bowel and body odor - so you can feel comfortable in your own skin again!

Support a healthy immune system because of your enhanced ability to absorb nutrients... 

Even better…

It’s the perfect complement to ANY diet you’re currently following, whether it’s keto… vegan… vegetarian paleo… plant-based… low or high carb… low or high fat… low or high protein...or anything in between!

Here’s Why Total Revive+ 

Unlike many digestive enzymes out there now, Total Revive+ contains more than enough enzymes to help you break down and properly absorb ANY type of food you’re eating.

That way, it doesn’t matter if you’re sensitive to sugars, fats, dairy, protein, gluten, or all of the above. Total Revive+ contains enzymes to help you properly break down them all, so you can feel comfortable and confident regardless of what you’re eating.

Each of the ingredients in Total Revive+ helps support a healthy digestive system so you can feel great after each meal. You’ll love how much less gassy and bloated you feel, how regular your bowel movements become, and how much less embarrassing your gas smells.

Plus you’ll also love your newfound ability to...

Unlock More Energy

It’s rare to find someone over the age of 40 who couldn’t use a little more energy, especially during the dreaded “afternoon slump” that tends to stop us all in our tracks.

As I mentioned earlier, most people don’t realize that lack of digestive enzymes is a major contributor to lack of daytime energy.

That’s why I've added several unique enzymes which boost your energy without needing caffeine or other stimulants which cause jitters and even heart palpitations.

They include… 


I got my first introduction to amylase when my high school biology teacher asked us to chew unripe bananas. During the experiment, our teacher explained that our saliva contains amylase, which breaks down starch into usable sugar. The longer you chew the unripe (not-so-sweet) banana, the sweeter it becomes.

And the same thing happens inside your body!

Without it, undigested carbohydrate molecules shuttle into your colon, where they ferment. This causes cramping, smelly, embarrassing, sometimes even painful gas, and is a very common cause of diarrhea. If you’ve ever had a carb-heavy meal and suffered the consequences after, you’ve felt this firsthand.

With it, your body properly breaks down those carbs so you can enjoy them without having to suffer the embarrassing and painful consequences they can sometimes produce. Plus it helps your body turn the carbs into a steady source of energy, preventing afternoon slumps and fatigue after meals. 


Sucrose (simple sugar) is composed of a linkage of two individual sugar molecules, one glucose and one fructose. Invertase, commonly found in honey, breaks that bond and allows better digestion and utilization of simple carbohydrates in the diet. That means MORE ENERGY!

Plus it brings several other health benefits you’ll love… 

It reduces toxic fermentation of sugars within your digestive tract, helping support a healthy digestive system…

It supports a healthy immune system by preventing bacterial overgrowth within the gastrointestinal tract...


Naturally occuring maltase is made and released by the cells that form the lining of the small intestine. This enzyme is used to break down “maltose” which is found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. I added 50 mg of a 20,000 unit strength maltase into Total Revive+ to help break down maltose into glucose which can then be further metabolized, burned as fuel, or stored as glycogen. As with the other energy-producing enzymes, this helps you experience less of that TIRED feeling after eating, and more GET UP AND GO!

On top of that, it’s been shown to help support firmer bowel movements.  This is important if you’re currently dealing with watery, explosive bowel movements on a regular basis, especially after eating certain foods.

Speaking of which...

If Just The THOUGHT Of Dairy Makes Your Belly Rumble…
This Can Help!

When it comes to food triggers (or “things that cause stomach issues”), dairy products are at the top of the list.

A small percentage of people are completely lactose-intolerant, which means they can’t have any dairy without sprinting to the bathroom.

But most people are simply lactose-sensitive. If you are lactose-sensitive you can sometimes eat a little, but too much throws your bowels into chaos and makes the next few hours pretty unpleasant. 

You may already know that you’re lactose sensitive. Or maybe you’re currently trying to figure out why you keep getting sick after eating, in which case, it might just be lactose. 

Either way, completely removing ALL lactose from your diet is difficult, and means that you’ll likely be missing out on some of your favorite foods. And, eliminating an entire food croup can sometimes lead to problems just as bad as the ones you're trying to eliminate. Cutting out dairy may prevent unpleasant trips to the bathroom, but you're going to need to. find that calcium and protein elsewhere to make sure you do not unknowingly increase your risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

That’s right...bread is back!

And yes, gluten free foods are everywhere...and for good reason.

Some people have full-blown Celiac disease and shouldn't eat gluten ever again. But most people are simply sensitive or intolerant to it (to varying degrees). 

Allow Bread Back Into Your Life Without The Painful Effects Of Gluten...

Here’s how that works…

Gluten is a storage protein present in wheat, barley and rye. It’s one of the main reasons why bread is so wonderful. In healthy digestion, enzymes break down these long strands of protein into smaller groups called peptides.

For someone without sensitivity, the gluten moves through the digestive tract with no reaction.

But if you are sensitive, an overactive immune response to gluten causes inflammation and intestinal damage. This is called “non-celiac gluten sensitivity” (NCGS) and it’s what MOST people are suffering from, since only about 1 in 141 people have true celiac disease.

The good news is that an enzyme known as DPP-IV enzyme I added to Total Revivel+ can help. This is a specialized form of protease that breaks down many of the components found in gluten protein… and I’ve added concentrated DPP-IV to every dose of Total Revive+ to help break down gluten so you can enjoy more freedom in what you eat.

Now let me be clear: If you suspect you have celiac disease or wheat allergy, please consult a doctor before attempting to eat gluten again. That is not something that should be taken lightly.

But if you simply need a little help breaking down gluten, DPP-IV can save you that terribly-timed rush to the bathroom and allow you to indulge in some of your favorite foods without worrying about what’s going to happen in your stomach after.

And speaking of indulging in your favorite foods, our next star ingredient helps you...

Reduce Food Cravings And Naturally Eat Less

Healthy plant foods like grains, legumes, nuts and seeds store their minerals in tightly bound packages bound within molecules of phytic acid.

Unfortunately those packages are stored inside a nutritional lockbox. Your body is constantly trying to pry it open to get the nutrients, but it can’t on its own.

Think back to your last Thanksgiving meal when you ate a little too much turkey and stuffing…

Remember how it felt like a rock was forming inside your stomach? How it made you so tired you could hardly keep your eyes open?

Enjoy A More Toned Body And Higher Metabolism By Absorbing More Protein... 

That’s what happens when your body doesn’t have enough enzymes to break down the food in your stomach.

And it happens on a lesser basis with every meal you eat, especially those with lots of protein.

This happens because with each passing year, your pancreas produces less and less of an enzyme called protease, responsible for breaking down protein into amino acids. This causes several problems, including…

Persistent Toxins - When your body doesn’t digest protein, the protein molecules hang around undigested, leading to a host of potentially toxic molecules floating around your body...  

Reduced Metabolism - A higher protein diet has been shown to help you burn up to 100 extra calories per day without any changes to your exercise regimen.  That’s the equivalent of running about 1.5 marathons every single month without having to actually run them! 

Muscle Loss - Protein is the building block of muscle. So when you can’t absorb protein, your muscles begin to wither. That’s why most people lose strength and become flabby as they age. But you don’t have to! It’s as simple as adding more protease into your diet, so you can absorb the protein you’re eating...

Eat More Fiber

Fiber is one of the unsung heroes in modern medicine. Here are just a few reasons you should be adding more of it to your diet…

It promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria which improves nearly every health marker we know of...

It can help you lose weight by making you feel full, which automatically helps you eat less without thinking about it…

It can support healthy blood sugar even after eating high-carb meals…

It can help support healthy bowel movements...

… and so many more!

The problem is, it also causes embarrassing, smelly, and sometimes painful gas if you eat too much. 

Absorb More Crucial Vitamins & Minerals And Eat Fatty Foods Again

Just like protease, your pancreas also produces an enzyme called lipase.

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat into individual fatty acids.

If you’ve ever experienced greasy or oily stools, uncomfortable gas or cramping, you may be lacking in lipase.

Unfortunately, this also means you aren’t absorbing vital fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K - which are all crucial for feeling great as you age.

Soothe Pain And Enjoy A Healthy Inflammation Response...

There’s an unusual treatment that’s been used for years in Japan and Europe for reducing inflammation and pain due to surgery, trama, and other inflammatory conditions.

It’s called Serrapeptase, and it has a remarkable ability to dissolve certain types of protein.

So why did I add 100,000 units of active Serrapeptase to Total Revivel+?

I did it because this incredible enzyme not only eats through protein (helping you absorb it more effectively), it also…

Supports a healthy inflammatory response…

Decreases pain and swelling…

Dissolves fibrin, a tough protein that makes up scar tissue, which may help reduce scarring and allow more free movement in aged joints...

Now as you can tell...

In many cases, if you’re lacking in protease, you’re also lacking in lipase. That’s why many people find it hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing their discomfort - it may be multiple food triggers at once.

The good news is, lipase can help!

In a study in which people ate high-fat food, those who supplemented with lipase enzymes experienced significant reductions in bloating, gas, and fullness, compared to those who took a placebo. 

Total Revive+ Is What I Consider To Be The “Perfect” Digestive Enzyme... 

And it’s not just because I created it...Total Revive+ is the formula I recommend because it contains the right ingredients… in the right amounts.

It’s changed the lives of thousands of patients and customers, including men and women from 20 - 80+ years old, who simply want to feel younger, more energetic, more vibrant, and not have to constantly worry about dealing with a crampy, rumbling stomach.

They want to ENJOY food again!

Here’s what some of them have said... 

For me, it was like two for the price of one. I started taking it for my digestion and as that started to get better, I noticed that my joint pain was improving as well..

Verified Purchase

Lydia D.

Verified Purchase

I can finally eat what I want without running to the bathroom after every meal. Thank you!  

Jackson L.

Verified Purchase

I have multiple medical problems and I take seven different prescription drugs every day. It’s frustrating because each pill only deals with one problem. That’s why I’m so grateful to Dr. Levitt for suggesting this supplement because it’s the only thing that I take that treats my whole body, and it really does help me feel better inside and out.

Nadina W.

Verified Purchase

Now that I’m in my fifties, the choices I’ve made are catching up to me. And I feel it in my gut. Total Revive+ has been a game-changer.

Kendrick T.

Total Revive+ Is Made In A GMP Certified Facility Using Advanced Manufacturing Methods For Purity And Accuracy 

These customers are enjoying Total Revive+ because it’s made using the RIGHT enzymes… at the RIGHT amounts… with the RIGHT manufacturing… and no fillers or unnecessary ingredients which add nothing but side effects.

In fact…

I want you to feel confident not only in what’s inside Total Revive+, but in how it’s produced. I want you to know that you’re getting exactly what you’re paying for, using the most accurate and up to date manufacturing practices.

That’s why you’ll be glad to know that our manufacturing facility is GMP certified. That stands for “good manufacturing practices” and it refers to  a strong regulatory commitment and compliance to countless international GMP standards.

In other words, Total Revive+ is made according to the strictest standards in the industry.

It means… 

Each ingredient is tested to ensure proper purity, potency, quality, and safety…

Each production run includes safety tests to ensure no microbes, yeasts, mold, or heavy metals are found…

Stability tests are run to ensure that exactly what’s on the label is actually inside the bottle…

No “Proprietary Blends” Here… You Know EXACTLY What You’re Getting 

Ever notice that nutritional supplement companies hide their actual formula behind fancy terms such as “proprietary blend”?

Most companies say they do this to keep competitors from stealing their formula…

… but do you want to know the REAL reason most do it?

It’s to save money by putting more of the cheap ingredients and less of the expensive ones.

How can you trust that you’re getting a formula that actually works if you don’t know exactly how much of each ingredient is actually in the product itself?

I don’t know about you, but I’d never put my health in the hands of a company that hides behind a “proprietary blend”... simply because you have no idea if you’re getting the right amount of each ingredient.

Instead, I believe in full transparency.

That means showing you exactly what’s inside, including a detailed list of the source, potency, and dosage of each and every ingredient.  

No secrets. No clever marketing tricks.

Just a product that delivers results, at a great price.

Because the fact is...

I Truly Believe This Product Can
Change The Life Of Anyone Who Takes It Regularly…

As I’ve shown you over the past few minutes, these simple, yet powerful enzymes inside each capsule of Total Revive+ can be life changing…

They help to make your bowel movements more regular and enjoyable again…

They help support a healthy immune system response…

They help keep your stomach calm after eating meals...

They help support the body’s fight against dangerous inflammation…

So people just like you can finally get control over their food, instead of allowing the food you eat to control you.

Unfortunately, there are only limited supplies of Total Revive+ available at any given time.

That’s because…

It’s made in a GMP certified facility…

Each batch is tested by an independent third-party laboratory to ensure that what’s on the label is actually inside the bottle…

It contains no sugar, starch, salt, wheat, yeast, soy, lactose, colors, dyes, GMO’s, corn, gluten, or ANYTHING else that triggers stomach issues…

Plus, it’s produced in small batches to keep the quality high and to ensure you’re getting the most fresh, potent product possible.

Which Brings Us To Our Problem…

The popularity of Total Revive+ has exploded lately.

That’s both good and bad news.

It’s good news because people are finally seeing real, tangible results. They’re finally able to enjoy food again, instead of fearing what will happen every time they take a bite. They’re getting results when nothing else (even other enzyme formulas) is working for them.

Plus existing customers are seeing massive transformations in their lives and re-ordering at a rapid pace. 

Which brings us to the bad news... 

We’re Constantly At 
Risk Of Running Out

Keeping up inventory is a balancing act for us here at Upwellness.

Our inventory manager, Jake, (who has a flare for the dynamic) says that keeping up with demand is like “bailing water out of a sinking ship.”

You can understand why...

It makes sense since there’s FINALLY a 100% natural, safe, healthy way that… 

Helps eliminate painful, embarrassing consequences of eating food that doesn’t agree with your stomach…

Has enzymes to help tame side effects of all types of food including dairy, gluten, sugars, fats, carbs, proteins, and more...

Works WITH your body
to produce natural enzymes that keep you feeling great even after heavy meals...

But don’t worry...

In just a moment, I’m going to share how to secure a supply of Total Revive+ today while we still have some available. 

But before I do that, let me explain a question I get ALL the time...

How Much Total Revive+ Should You Take Every Day And How Long Should You Take It? 

I’ll tell you how it works, but be warned, it’s pretty complicated…

… are you ready?

Here it is...

Small meal: 1 capsule

Large meal: 2 capsules

Kidding aside, it’s REALLY that simple. That’s yet another reason our customers love it so much.

Here’s another reason they love Total Revive+...

Results Begin On Day 1… 
And Keep Getting Better With Time!

What customers love about Total Revive+ is that they notice FAST results. Most people notice results in the first few days of taking it.

That’s because the enzymes start breaking down your food immediately so your body has an easier time absorbing them. 

What I love even MORE is that the cascading healing process that begins after that.

With each day that your stomach is functioning at its best, you’ll notice even more profound changes throughout your body…

Energy begins to surge as your body gets more of the nutrients it’s so desperately craving for…

Cravings will begin to subside as your body gets what it needs and doesn’t need to send out false cravings to trick you into getting the nutrients it needs…

Your need to know where every bathroom is will vanish as you go days… weeks… months without “incidents”...

Your need to carry antacids with you at all times will disappear...

You’ll pass gas just a few times a day like everyone else, without clearing out the room…

And so much more!

That’s why you’ll be glad to know...

We JUST Received A New Shipment And We’re Celebrating With A Major Discount!

Here’s the deal...

Total Revive+ normally retails for $57 per bottle...

And I’m sure you can see why.

That’s just $1.90 per day, LESS than the price of a cheap cup of coffee (and about half what a place like Starbucks might charge you for a latte)... for everything we’ve talked about today.

Plus there are all the benefits money can’t buy, such as…

Waking up each day feeling refreshed and invigorated to own your day…

Dissolving that painful, smelly, embarrassing gas that comes out of you like a fog machine… 

Not carrying antacids with you everywhere you go…

Walking into a restaurant without constantly worrying where the bathroom is… 

And simply being able to eat more of the food you love without getting sick for hours after! 

$1.90 per day is a STEAL if you factor that all in.

But once again, I have good news…

You won’t pay the retail price of $57 per bottle when you order Total Revive+ today.

If you buy one bottle today, I'm prepared to knock $10 bucks off of the retail price...but bear with me...it gets better.

Since our most successful customers tend to get the best results by making this part of their daily routine… and the fact that I want to make sure you stock up now while we have enough to give you… I've created a substantially discounted multi-bottle option.

In fact, when you stock up and save on 6 bottles of Total Revive+...

We’re practically giving them away at just $27 per bottle - PLUS free shipping!

That’s just $0.90 per day… a 52.63% discount off our regular price… available when you order TODAY on this page. 

Be sure to stock up by choosing the 3 or 6 bottle option. Not only will you ensure you have enough to last, you’ll also enjoy the biggest savings we’re offering right now.

Total Revive+ will give your body access to more nutrients from the foods you eat by enhancing digestion and absorption.

But I don’t want to stop there…

I want to DOUBLE those results by giving you a FREE bottle of my best-selling, stomach-of-steel producing probiotic when you order any quantity of Total Revive+ today!

I formulated this probiotic complex with 6 proven probiotic strains to... 

Want To DOUBLE Your Results With A FREE Bottle
Of My Best-Selling Probiotic?

Reduce gas, bloating, and indigestion...

Improve bowel regularity…

Provide protective support from inflammation-causing pathogens… 

Support a healthy immune system…

I’m sure you’ve heard of the power of probiotics, and maybe you’ve even tried one.

If you choose the right one, it can work wonders to help you enjoy a strong, normal digestive system so you feel comfortable regardless of what you eat.

But if you COMBINE the right probiotic with the right digestive enzymes, you get a synergistic effect that’s almost impossible to replicate!

That’s because probiotics help create a healthy, balanced, diversified microbiome. Having a healthy biome helps you regulate the amount of hydrogen and methane your body produces.

Too much hydrogen in your system tends to produce diarrhea, and too much methane leads to constipation.

By adding more “friendly bacteria” to your gut, your body finally has what it needs to regulate itself. That means your trips to the bathroom become more predictable, consistent, and pleasant.

Probiotic + contains 6 essential probiotics, including…

As you can see, Probiotic + is the PERFECT compliment to Total Revive+, and it sells on our website for $37 every single day. 

However I want to make sure you have everything you need to experience fast, long-lasting results, so I’d like to give you a bottle of Probiotic+ absolutely FREE when you order today. 

That’s an additional $37 value… yours FREE. 

Believe it or not, I’m actually not asking you to say “yes” to Total Revive+ today.

Even though I’ve shown you dozens of reasons it can and will help you, I don’t want to put ANY risk on you to try it out.

That’s why all I’m asking you to do is say “maybe” to Total Revive+.

Here’s how it works…

Experience The Benefits Of

Start taking Total Revive+ with each meal… 

FEEL the results…

and fall in love with the benefits you receive from it... 

If for some reason, any reason, you don’t feel it’s worth 5x the cost, simply return it within the first 60 days and we’ll give you a full, 100% refund. 

Yes - I’m giving you 60 DAYS to make the choice of whether or not it works for you.

A lot of other companies give you 30 days to try their product before being forced to make a decision on whether or not you want to return it. I’ve never liked that pressure.

I’d rather make you completely comfortable in your order today by giving you a 2 months to know whether it’s for you or not.

I want you to experience what it’s like to eat the food you love and not worry about how your stomach will react. I want you to see your stomach shrink as your bloating subsides. I want you to feel confident and not always feel like there’s a rock in your belly…

That’s why I want to give you 60 days to try Total Revive+ and see how it works for you. If it doesn’t do everything I say it will, you can send it back at any time and receive a 100% refund on your purchase today.

No pressure. No weird sales tactics.

It either helps you in a clear, noticeable way, or you don’t pay. It’s as simple as that!

So far I’ve shown you…

So What Will It Be?

The 11 natural enzymes crucial for enjoying regular bowel movements…

Why your body can’t absorb the proper nutrients to keep you healthy as you age…

How to reset your hunger hormones to tame those insatiable cravings…

The “silent plague” preventing most people from producing enough enzymes on their own…

How to enjoy all-day energy without resorting to extra caffeine or stimulants...

How to claim Total Revivel+ for a massive discount on THIS page only…

Why saying “maybe” to Total Revive+ is absolutely risk-free for you... 

Now it’s time to make a choice and determine whether or not Total Revive+ is for you.

In fact, let me help you out with the three choices I see sitting in front of you right now…

Choice #1 is close this page and do nothing. If you take this path your life will continue down the road it’s been going. But if you do that, what’s going to change? If you’re here now, if you’ve made it this far, it’s because you know something's gotta give. You’re suffering and you’re tired of suffering. I don’t want you to think back to this 6 months into the future, and regret not taking action. To look back and realize you could have had relief for all those months…

Choice #2 is to say “maybe”. The option where take action and invest in Total Revive+ absolutely risk-free, at a fantastic discount. We’ve already done ALL the work for you. All you need to do is take Total Revive+ with each meal, and see the benefits. That’s it!

So go ahead and click on one of the buttons you see on this page to place your order.

Remember, I recommend the 6 bottle option because…

You’re getting a 50.74% discount…

Plus you’ll have enough bottles
to last you awhile in case we run out…

Plus FREE shipping…

PLUS a free bottle of my best-selling probiotic,
to double your results...

That’s a pretty fair deal if you ask me, and it’s what I recommend.

So click on the button below, and choose your option. I’ll see you on the page next, and thank you again for reading!

I recommend the 6 bottle options because you’re getting a 52.63% discount… PLUS you’ll have enough bottles to last you awhile in case we run out… PLUS FREE shipping… PLUS a free bottle of my best-selling probiotic, to double your results.

It’s not necessary, but it will get you the best results at the best price. 


It contains the right ingredients that most people are lacking, in the right dosages, made in a GMP certified facility so you can trust that you’re getting exactly what you’re paying for. 

How many bottles should I order?

What’s unique about Total Revive+?

If you are concerned about Total Revive+ interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment. If you have any problems, remember we’ll give you a prompt refund.

Is it safe with my current medication?

How long will it take before I feel the benefits?

Most customers begin to see benefits within the first few days, sometimes even the very first day. The longer you take it, the more noticeable the results will become.

What’s Inside Total Revive+?

© year UpWellness. All Rights Reserved

  1. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss/
  2. Treem WR, Ahsan N, Sullivan B, Rossi T, Holmes R, Fitzgerald J, Proujansky R, Hyams J. Evaluation of liquid yeast-derived sucrase enzyme replacement in patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. Gastroenterology. 1993 Oct;105(4):1061-8.
  3. Newcomer AD, Hodgson SF, McGill DB, et al. Lactase deficiency: prevalence in osteoporosis. Ann Intern Med. 1978;89(2):218-20. 
  4. Birge SJJ, Keutmann HT, Cuatrecasas P, et al. Osteoporosis, Intestinal Lactase Deficiency and Low Dietary Calcium Intake. New England Journal of Medicine. 1967;276(8):445-8. 
  5. https://www.eatright.org/health/diseases-and-conditions/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-an-introduction
  6. Larque E, Sabater-Molina M, Zamora S. Biological significance of dietary polyamines. Nutrition. 2007;23(1):87-95.Macfarlane GT, Cummings JH, Allison C. Protein degradation by human intestinal bacteria. J Gen Microbiol. 1986;132(6):1647-56. 
  7. Macfarlane GT, Cummings JH, Allison C. Protein degradation by human intestinal bacteria. J Gen Microbiol. 1986;132(6):1647-56.
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11838888 
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16918875 
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10721886 
  11. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blood-sugar-spikes 
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27863994 
  13. Suarez F, Levitt MD, Adshead J, et al. Pancreatic supplements reduce symptomatic response of healthy subjects to a high fat meal. Dig Dis Sci. 1999;44(7):1317-21. 
  14. http://smj.sma.org.sg/3001/3001a9.pdf 
  15. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0901502707010673 
  16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5790697/ 
  17. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21436726 
  18. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30416313 
  19. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128040249000100 
  20. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/bifidobacterium-bifidum
  21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26090097 
  22. https://www.healthline.com/health/what-yeast-is-good-for-the-gut#1 

Questions? Call:
(800) 876-2196

Dr. Joshua Levitt

Nation’s Leading Physician of Digestion & Weight Control DISCOVERS

#1 Trick to Poop EVERY Morning And Flush Excess Weight

Heartburn so bad he could hardly breathe… 

Bloating that felt like an alien growing inside him...

Sour stomach that sucked the life out of him... 

"Dr. Inflammation"

Dr. Joshua Levitt



Naturally Normal
 Bowel Movements

From Producing Enough Enzymes

There are actually several reasons people aren’t generating enough enzymes...


Your Hunger Hormones!

Told Me About Digestive Enzymes

Why Hasn’t My Doctor







Is Different Than

Other Enzymes On The Market...

From Each Bite Of Food You Take!

I’ve added 150 mg of a powerful 100,000 unit strength Amylase to Total Revive+... plenty to keep you feeling great. 

Total Revive+ contains a potent 180,000 unit dose of invertase because this is a very common problem, and one that I don’t want you to have to worry about.

Next, I added one of my all-time favorite enzymes:

That’s why I added hefty 30mg dose of lactase to Total Revive+... so you can enjoy dairy without having to worry about where the nearest bathroom is! 

Unfortunately you never know exactly how much will flip your stomach upside down. Sometimes you eat a little and feel fine. Other times you eat that same amount and only have about 10 seconds to find a bathroom!

If that sounds like you, it’s because you’re lacking lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down milk sugar (called lactose). Unfortunately, our ability to produce lactase naturally only declines with age, which is why it’s so important to supplement with it. 

Without Even Thinking About It... 

Phytase is the key for that lockbox, allowing your body to open and release the stored calcium (for bone health), magnesium (for nervous system support), iron (for transferring oxygen through your blood cells), zinc (for immune support), manganese (for metabolizing nutrients) and phosphorus (for bone health, weight, and digestion) so they can be absorbed and put to use in your body.

When your body is properly nourished with these valuable minerals, you get less food cravings which helps you naturally achieve your ideal weight.

And the next ingredient makes that even easier for you. It lets you...

That’s where phytase comes in, and it’s why I’ve added a solid 1,000 FTU/g phytase dose to Total Revive+. 

Plus you’ll be able to... 

The good news is, every serving of Total Revive+ contains highly active 500,000 HUT/g protease to help you digest and absorb protein effectively so you can boost your metabolism and enjoy a more lean, toned body. 

Without “Bubble Belly” Side Effects... 

On top of that, Total Revive+ allows you to... 

That’s why I’ve added 1,000 units of fiber-busting cellulase to every serving of Total Revive+. It allows your body to digest fiber much easier so you can experience all the incredible health benefits fiber has to offer, including the ability to finally enjoy (instead of dread) your bowel movements, without dealing from the negative gassy side effects. 

Without It Ruining Your Day...

Total Revive+ contains lipase at a potency of 50,000 FIP/g in every dose. 

And finally...

You’re covered by our exclusive 100%, No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee…for 60 days!

Total Revive+ For 60 Days… Risk-Free


This strain has proven benefits for digestive discomfort and has been studied specifically for women’s health. It may also increase the amount of other healthy gut bacteria, including other lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria.

Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14

A proven strain for gastrointestinal health, Lr-32 has strong adhesion inside the intestine where it gets to work supporting a healthy inflammatory and immune response.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-32

Found in traditional fermented foods like sauerkraut, Lp-115 is a survivor. It can survive the acidic conditions in the stomach sets up camp in the intestine where it is extremely effective for improving gastrointestinal function and immunity.

Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115

This beneficial bacteria is an important part of the intestinal ecosystem from before the time humans can even walk. Healthy populations of Bb-06 in the intestine help support healthy gastrointestinal function, metabolism, and inflammation.

Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-06

One of these things is not like the others…and “SaccroB” is something special indeed. This organism stands out in Probiotic + for several reasons. First, it is not a bacteria like the rest of the strains in the formula...instead it is a beneficial, non-pathogenic microorganism that is similar to brewer's yeast. In fact, it has over 50 years and hundreds of scientific studies demonstrating its safety and effectiveness for regulating the intestines and protecting them from pathogens to support immune system health.  Plus it’s hardy, acid-resistant, and temperature tolerant. It’s the first line of defense against unwanted “bad bugs” which make you sick and unhealthy.

Saccharomyces boulardii


per bottle

(This is a one-time payment)


Total: $47.00







per bottle

Total: $111.00

(This is a one-time payment)







per bottle

Total: $162.00

(This is a one-time payment)






Save An Extra 10% With VIP Auto-Delivery

Click Here To Receive A Fresh Supply Every Month


per bottle

(This is a one-time payment)


Total: $47.00






per bottle

Total: $111.00

(This is a one-time payment)






per bottle

Total: $162.00

(This is a one-time payment)





Save An Extra 10% With VIP Auto-Delivery

Click Here To Receive A Fresh Supply Every Month


per bottle

(This is a one-time payment)


Total: $47.00







per bottle

Total: $111.00

(This is a one-time payment)







per bottle

Total: $162.00

(This is a one-time payment)






Save An Extra 10% With VIP Auto-Delivery

Click Here To Receive A Fresh Supply Every Month


per bottle

(This is a one-time payment)


Total: $47.00







per bottle

Total: $111.00

(This is a one-time payment)







per bottle

Total: $162.00

(This is a one-time payment)






Save An Extra 10% With VIP Auto-Delivery

Click Here To Receive A Fresh Supply Every Month





This enzyme will...

If You’re Like Most Of My Patients, You’ve Tried Everything…

It’s a lot of extra time, dedication, and money to ensure we’re going above and beyond “acceptable standards”, but I believe in producing only the highest quality product, and I want you to feel confident that I’m delivering exactly what I say I am.

Oh and one more thing… 

This strain of Bifidobacterium became famous in 2015 when research was published that demonstrated that Bb-03 can improve metabolism and help people lose fat more easily.

Bifidobacterium breve Bb-03