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Limited Time: Claim 3 FREE Bottles Of Golden Revive + Today!

In just 30 seconds per day you can help eliminate joint, muscle and nerve discomfort without the use of dangerous drugs or having to resort to painful surgery… 

Even if you’ve already suffered through a knee, hip or back surgery. 

And it’s as easy as 1-2-3. 

The 1-2-3 refers to the THREE KEY sources of pain I’ve identified and the method I’ve created to address them – something I call the I-M-F protocol… 

Which stands for Inflammation, Muscle Tension, and Fibrosis…

It promotes improved range of motion…

Reduces scarring and tissue damage…

Supports healthy joints…

Improves circulation…

Promotes healthy cholesterol levels…

Supports healthy vision…

Balances blood sugar levels…

Supports a better mood…

And when you combine these 6 ingredients…

Golden Revive + acts like grease for your joints and jet fuel for your mobility

By addressing all 3 causes of pain…

You’re virtually ‘handed’ a second chance at an active, pain-free life!

Golden Revive +® is an all-natural product for stiff joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles.1 It is an advanced, physician-formulated combination of safe and effective natural ingredients that will help your entire musculoskeletal system move freely again.

Golden Revive +® can give you your life back—and the ability to enjoy all of the things you’re currently missing out on.

You have to remember that there’s really nothing else like Golden Revive +® available on the market today. 

There is simply NO other supplement on the market that contains this “family” of powerful, pain-squashing ingredients

And my patients love it because it saves them on costly prescriptions. 

Think about it...

You could spend $400 to buy 10 bottles of some generic mass-produced turmeric or some other natural pain relief supplement … 

And still not even get 10% of the benefits you would from a single bottle of Golden Revive +®.

Dr. Joshua Levitt

One of the Nation’s Top Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. Joshua Levitt is a naturopathic physician who is widely known for his expertise in treating both common and complex medical problems. In practice, Dr. Levitt draws on his broad knowledge of the science of both conventional and natural medicine and the art of combining the two into a “best of both worlds” treatment strategy. 

He has over 20 years of direct clinical experience using a unique blend of nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, and physical medicine to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions.
His patients and his readers praise him for the ability to educate, motivate, and inspire them with stories and advice that helps them help themselves.

Dr. Levitt owns and runs a private practice in Connecticut, where he is also a clinical preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine. 

Dr. Levitt’s unique perspective was informed by an education that includes a degree in physiology from UCLA, a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the prestigious Bastyr University, formal residency training in integrative medicine in Seattle, and experience with thousands of patients. 

Dr. Levitt is also the author and creator of several popular books, and many articles and videos which all demonstrate his passion and commitment to bringing information and products to you that can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

But enough about me... check out these...

60-Day, No-Hassle, Money Back Guarantee

Your Purchase Is Completely Protected By Our 100% Satisfaction 60 Day Guarantee. If You Aren’t Completely Satisfied With This Product, Just Contact Our Customer Service In The Next 60 Days For Your Refund.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease..

Don’t Wait A Moment Longer!


First and foremost – Curcumin, a molecular component of turmeric, is its most active, health-boosting and inflammation squashing compound. Researchers at Emory University found curcumin to be a potent inhibitor of NF-kB… As did researchers from the National Cancer Institute, the Institute of Anatomy in Munich Germany, The University of New Mexico, Harvard and the prestigious Linus Pauling Institute at the University of Oregon. It’s the reason why this 100% natural substance is able to STOP relentless joint, muscle and nerve pain…and allow your body to repair and heal itself naturally. In fact, curcumin is more effective for pain relief than anything I’ve seen in my practice. And curcumin is among the oldest-known NF-kB-inhibiting nutrients there is.  In other words…curcumin puts out the fire of inflammation and silences pain.

How Often Should You Take Golden Revive +?

Great question. There is a range of common doses that our customers take. The most commonly effective dose for people with significant symptoms is: two capsules, twice per day. Some people just take two capsules per day and report good results. Others do well with higher doses, with some people using up to six capsules per day. We recommend that you start at two capsules per day, give it two weeks, and then increase as needed.

And what starts the I-M-F process is a series of chemical reactions that together ignite the flames of inflammation which then leads to muscle tension and ultimately, fibrosis. 

And what you need to know first is that when this I-M-F process is turned off... 

Pain that’s been holding you hostage for years is suddenly banished from your body. 

The sad reality is, over 54 million Americans suffer from stiff joints, elbows, knees, hips, toes, fingers, or feet… 

Chronic joint and muscle discomfort causes millions of Americans to miss out on doing the things they love most. Golden Revive +® was formulated to give you fast-acting relief. It's a safe, effective, and affordable way to get you feeling great again.  

So what can 
Golden Revive + 
help you with?

But – most importantly…


Also – there’s Boswellia, which contains an ingredient called boswellic acid. Research has confirmed that much like curcumin, boswellic acid is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory. And while Curcumin is best known for its ability to block the NF-Kb protein… Boswellic acid inhibits production of another painful chemical called 5-lipoxygenase, or 5-LOX for short. 5-LOX plays a role in normal, healthy inflammation. But as part of the “pain chain” we’ve been talking about… Too much 5-LOX activity is not a good thing. Excessive 5-LOX production keeps the fires of inflammation burning white hot! Boswellia has been shown to inhibit 5-LOX and therefore control inflammation. And as much like turmeric, boswellia initiates healing.


Ingredient 3 is Magnesium – why magnesium? Because according to recent studies, 75% of Americans are not meeting their recommended intake of dietary magnesium. Most of this is due to poor diet and the depletion of magnesium from the soil where our food is grown. And a lack of magnesium plays a significant role in the muscle tension component of my I-M-F protocol. See, magnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction. So, when magnesium levels are low… Muscles tend to go into spasm. And in the presence of inflammation… These spasms can be even more intense and unrelenting. Magnesium however, settles down NMDA and relaxes tense muscles...without the toxicity.


Ingredient 4 is called Quercetin and it’s one of the most super-concentrated antioxidants on the planet… commonly found in wine and onions. And not only does it contain powerful antioxidant benefits but it blocks pain-causing chemicals too. Quercetin is what’s called a flavonol, which is a sub-category of flavonoids. Flavonoids are a particular chemical in plants, called phytonutrients, and have a wide range of health benefits. Most importantly...lasting relief from musculoskeletal pain.


Next – Bromelain is a powerful anti-fibrotic enzyme found in the juice and stem of pineapples. And one of the things that makes Bromelain so effective against pain is that not only is it super-effective at, breaking down unwanted scar tissue that often forms in joints, muscles and nerves… But it also has potent pain-relieving properties too. In fact, in clinical studies show that Bromelain works AS WELL as many anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief. See, the presence of that tough, tenacious fibrotic scar tissue is a MAJOR factor that causes restriction of blood flow, compression of nerves, and limitation of joint range of motion. Bromelain dissolves that gristle...and prevents new scar tissue from forming!


Last but not least – Ingredient 6 is called Piperine and it’s a highly absorbable plant extract derived from two types of plants, Piper longum and Piper nigrum…. And here’s how powerful it is... In one study when researchers tested the blood levels of curcumin (the active compound in turmeric) alone versus combining it with piperine… After just 45 minutes of use, patients taking the combination had blood levels of curcumin 2,000% higher than those taking curcumin alone. But it doesn’t just work with turmeric. You see, Piperine increases your body’s ability to absorb a wide variety of nutrients by interacting and enhancing the molecules involved in the metabolism of these nutrients. What this means is that by adding Piperine, it enhances the bioavailability of every nutrient in the formula.


In fact, most supplements containing turmeric that you see for sale online, and even at the grocery story are of very often of questionable quality at best…

Some of them are grown in industrial farms filled with pesticides and other toxins…

And you’ll be hard-pressed to find a product that contains BCM-95 curcumin, high-grade Boswellia,or absorption-enhancing piperine, or any of the additional pain-relieving ingredients you’ll find in Golden Revive +®…

Plus given the fact that all of the ingredients are scientifically proven to fight the root cause of inflammation and dozens of other diseases and health conditions…

The chances are high that if you begin using Golden Revive +® regularly…

You’ll end up cutting $400 a month or more from your healthcare costs too.

This is one of the smallest but most important investments you can make in your health and wellness…

A single bottle of Golden Revive +® will start killing NF-kB mediated inflammation immediately, allowing you to finally experience real relief….

Plus you’ll be blocking the other inflammatory chemicals responsible for your musculoskeletal pain.

So, if you feel like life is passing you by because of your pain...

If you’re sick and tired of feeling like you just can do all of the things you enjoy...

If you want to know what it feels like to once again wake up each day pain-free…and move effortlessly wherever you want to go and do whatever you want to do…

Then you owe it to yourself to not let another day pass by until you give Golden Revive +® a chance to work for you!

With a daily dose of Golden Revive +, you can maximize the power of all 6 of these powerful ingredients and SAVE BIG!

The way I see it – you really have 2 options…

 Option #1  is to leave this website, not order your Golden Revive +®, ‘go it alone’ and keep doing what you’ve always been doing…

You can even go down to your local health food store, pick up all the ingredients I laid out for you here on this page (if they have them in stock)…

Do the research and find out the exact key measurements…

And – unless you have your own herbal medicine lab on hand, (you can see here) it will likely cost you hundreds of dollars to do so.

And even then, you’ll be left wondering about the purity, safety, and potency of your ingredients…

And that’s just extra effort, stress, and spending that I simply don’t want for you.

Which is of course why I recommend  Option #2 

And that is to simply do what thousands of others have done before you and try Golden Revive +® completely risk-free.

Really, it’s a simple decision.

It’s no coincidence that you’ve spent the time, making it to this point here with me today.

It means you’re ready for a change.

Which is why I ask you to trust yourself in making the right decision.

And when you compare these options for yourself…

It’s easy to see just how much sense this makes.

So go ahead! Click the button below to secure your 3 FREE bottles of Golden Revive + now!

But remember, this special offer is only available for people who take action on this page here today.

If you leave this page, Golden Revive + will only be available on our website for its regular price of $69.95.

And don’t forget, you’re able to try Golden Revive + risk-free for a full 60 days.

If for whatever reason you’re not satisfied with the results – you’ll get a complete refund of your money.

I hope you’ll make the right choice for yourself today.

And I cannot wait to hear about your experience with Golden Revive +.

Yours for healthy living, 

Dr. Joshua Levitt

Fight Inlammation
Ease Muscle Tension

Try Golden Revive + FREE Today!

Golden Revive +

Ship Me 3 FREE Bottles Today!
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Say Goodbye To 
“Bone on Bone” Pain!

In a healthy joint—a knee, elbow, hip, shoulder or any other spot where two bones meet—the ends of the bones are covered by cartilage. This smooth, white “connective tissue”—a kind of cross between soft muscle and hard bone—literally cushions every joint, making effortless movement possible.
But time isn’t kind to our joints. As the years pass, cartilage can erode. Cell by cell, it just wears away. Until there’s so little left that the two bones constantly bump into each other. Ouch! Nagging pain replaces pain-free living. Stiffness replaces flexibility.

It’s something that doctors call “bone on bone” pain. And if you have it, you know that you would do just about ANYTHING to rid it from your body.

If this is you, then I have some good news... It’s cases like this where Golden Revive +® really shines!

Taking Golden Revive +® twice per day can help revive the cartilage between your joints… restoring the cushion between your bones… allowing you to move freely again and without pain! 

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Claim 3 FREE Bottles Today

6 Proven ingredients 

Promotes pain-free mobility

Improves cardiovascular health

Fights pain & inflammation

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Try Golden Revive + 
FREE Today!

What Makes Golden Revive + So Good?

1498 Reviews

Inflammation & Pain Relief

Golden Revive + is an all-natural product for stiff joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. It is an advanced, physician-formulated combination of 6 powerful ingredients designed to help: 

Decrease Pain & Stiffness
Support Health Joints

Buy 1 Get 3 Free

Here is what our customers have to say about Golden Revive +®...

Better Than Surgery

I saw Golden Revive +® and decided to give it a try. OMG, the best thing I ever did! Within a week of taking Golden Revive +®, I felt a big difference. Months after my back surgery, I was taking [a prescription medication] for pain in my back and my foot, but that drug was killing me. I couldn't even think or talk in sentences anymore. Now, I no longer take it. I just take Golden Revive +®. I wish I had found it before my back surgery. Thank you!

Ana H.    |   Verified Buyer

No More Joint Pain

The ingredients list says it all... great stuff all in one bottle. I had [joint pain] for 20 years and all the meds did not help, and the pain was real. Try this product... you have nothing to lose, but pain.

Cecilia G.    |   Verified Buyer

My Knee Is Better

I've used Golden Revive +® for years and it has been helping my knee.

Brenda E.    |   Verified Buyer

I’m Feeling Young Again

I just turned 80 and with Golden Revive +® I feel like I'm 20 years younger!

Laury H.    |   Verified Buyer

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