Thanks to it’s proven abilities to increase physical and mental performance, elevate energy, enhance endurance, improve focus and concentration and boost vitality.

And today, only on the page below…

I’m going to reveal why medical experts are saying that this could be the most potent and powerful all-natural “energy” solution ever discovered.

...a jumpstart to get you going in the morning...

Or a spark of energy to help you make it through the day?

It’s all because of its proven capacity to...

Boost your metabolism and enhance fat burning.

Resist the effects of aging to give you a fresher and more youthful looking complexion....

Promote better mental clarity, improve concentration and amplify alertness…

Relieve fatigue, tension and exhaustion while by increasing cellular energy generation….literally powering up every cell in your body. And since cells form organs and organs form body systems…this herb can:

Revitalize every system in your body making them run faster, cleaner and more efficiently.

Put simply...

Reading this page to the end could literally mean the difference between dragging yourself through yet another day, feeling worn out, foggy-headed and mentally drained…

...and jumping out of bed each morning raring to go. Feeling younger, happier, more youthful and energetic than you’ve probably felt in years.

Look, life’s too short to feel tired all the time. 

So, right now, I’m going to show you exactly how to regain your energy, your vitality and your zest for life.

Starting almost immediately.

So make sure to pay close attention and read every word on this page. I know that some of what you are about to read may sound almost too good to be true...

I can assure’s not.

In fact, in just a minute I’ll prove it to you by sharing all the details of a recent clinical study - that shows — really beyond a shadow of a doubt — how this ancient plant infuses your body with an abundance of usable energy by targeting what some experts call your “second brain”. A set of glands that act like a command center for your body's energy production and distribution.

Given that these glands are a critical part of your energy’d think that they’d get more attention from mainstream medicine— but they are rarely ever even mentioned...let alone tested or treated by physicians.

So… I’ll also share some remarkable stories from real patients of mine who’ve used this ancient energizing herb to finally regain their lost mojo and once again take control of their lives.

People like…

Pretty incredible, right? And I’d love nothing more than for you to join them.

Now, before we get into the details…

You should know that this isn’t just about your energy levels. 

Plus, I’ll reveal how it can all be fully optimized in less time than it takes to brush your teeth every morning.

So keep reading...

Because all that and more is coming up right now... 

And if you’re finally ready to live life to the fullest and reclaim the vim and vigor of your youth...

...If you’re ready to power through your day like a freight train, with enough energy and stamina to get everything done on your to do list and STILL have plenty of battery life left over to spend quality time with those you love...

… Or if you’re simply ready to reclaim your health and your life, and live each and every day to the absolute fullest.

Then you simply can’t afford NOT to read this entire page…

So let’s quickly dive in.

I’d like to start off by introducing myself….I think you deserve to know at least a little bit about who you’re getting your information from. 

And in just a moment, I’ll also explain why your body’s ability to generate healthy, life-boosting energy is directly correlated to how quickly you age, your overall level of physical health and well-being, your memory, your focus, concentration and your ability to lose weight.

Do you feel like you just need a Miracle Jolt in the morning?

My name is Dr. Joshua Levitt.

Dr. Joshua Levitt

Co-Founder, UpWellness

That’s where I see patients and where I have served as a clinical preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine for over 10 years.

My education and training have earned me the trust of physicians in every specialty who refer their most complex and challenging patients to me every day.

I am a board-certified naturopathic physician, and in that capacity, I own and run one of the busiest and most respected holistic medicine practices in New England.

I regularly consult and serve as an advisor and board member with companies and organizations in the health and wellness industry...and

I’ve authored countless articles, newsletters, online and offline health programs, and numerous books...including recent work as an associate editor of the latest edition of the leading textbook on clinical nutrition for physicians and healthcare providers.  

It’s fun to see my name on the cover of a book….But for me…the best part of all that is that…  

I’ve had the pleasure of working with thousands of patients over the last 20 years…

It’s about your health, your vitality, and quality of life.

What’s more, this ancient plant is 100% natural and doesn’t involve any sort of dangerous stimulants, chemicals or drugs...

And that’s why I'm confident that I can help you, too.

Many of them, people just like you who were experiencing their own low energy crisis.

Helping them win their own personal battle against "hopeless" fatigue.

You see, everything your body does requires energy.

But even with that scientific understanding…

There was STILL something missing.

Something that didn’t explain why some people seem to have all the energy in the world while others can barely stay awake after lunch.  
It was this question that finally led me to the breakthrough solution that has changed the lives of thousands of my patients. 

Each one is about the size of your thumb...and they sit atop each of your kidneys, where they quietly act as a central command center that influences the health of your entire body.

Unfortunately...they are also almost entirely overlooked by doctors and are rarely teste

So...what are these elusive “energy organs”?  Well, they are your adrenal, (sometimes called suprarenal) glands.  The many critical functions of the adrenals are often described in medical textbooks using a whole series of words that start with S…. 

Movement, digestion, thinking, eating, the very pumping of your heart...everything you do...requires energy.

And when it comes to producing energy… 

There’s nothing more important than what I call your “energy organ” …

Here are the “Ss” of adrenal gland activity:

which are commonly known as the adrenal glands are almost like a "second brain," and because…

Sex:  The adrenals glands are a source of so-called sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.

Strength (or Steroids): 
The adrenals help keep your bones and muscles strong by producing DHEA, one of the building blocks to the natural source of anabolic, strength-enhancing, steroid hormones

  Adrenal hormones are critical for maintaining salt and water balance in the body.  By this mechanism, they are also intimately involved in blood pressure regulation.

Sugar:  The adrenals manufacture and secrete a family of hormones called “glucocorticoids” which have a range of metabolic and immune functions...perhaps most importantly…the regulation of blood sugar levels.  

Stress:  The adrenals are sometimes called your  “emergency glands” because they pump out hormones in response to any sort of threat that put you into “fight or flight” mode so you can live to see another day...maybe this S should also stand for Survival.

Sleep:  The adrenal gland does not act alone… it is in constant communication with the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the pineal gland...and when that communication is has profound effects on sleep.
Spirit:  No, not in the sense of spirituality….but in the sense that your spirit is a reflection of your mood, your mind, your headspace…yes, your adrenal glands can lift your spirits.

Source of Energy:  Your adrenals glands are your personal power plant, your internal battery, your backup generator…your “energy organ” as I like to call it.

And the last and perhaps the most important S in our discussion here today…

And if your “energy organ" goes offline...


No matter what the source...when stress happens (and it will definitely happen), your adrenals respond to stress by pumping out cortisol to help you cope.

But when that system gets turned on over and over, day in day out, for weeks, months, or even years… there comes a point where it feels like you’re running on fumes. 

Especially if (or when) you get stressed.

You get anxious and foggy-headed, your blood sugar rises and then crashes, you gain weight, you can't sleep, your muscles get tight and sore, every ache and pain is amplified (which adds even more stress to the situation) and you feel totally, utterly exhausted.

The tragic reality of so many lives today that makes matters worse is that:

Your “energy organ” is being’s like there are too many plugs in the outlet….

At work, you’re bombarded.

You go home, turn on the TV and watch the news…and it’s all bad news. 

Everything around you demands (and drains) your attention and your energy…

People who need you or depend on you. 

Devices like phones and computers with their endless stream of notifications. 

Companies that are fighting for your attention and your money.

The good news is…

When you support your primary “energy organ”...

Your whole life can turn around.

And I’m not just talking about your health…

I’m talking about your career, your marriage and everything else in between.

My patients tell me this all the time.

And it makes sense...because it’s physically impossible to do anything without enough energy. 

It’s no wonder you’re exhausted!

In my practice, I see lots of patients with chronic and complex problems...most of whom have fancy medical specialists for their specific problem.

Rheumatologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, urologists, gastroenterologists and just about every other “-ologist” you can imagine.  

But even with all of these big-brained and well-intentioned physicians, I’d estimate that at least half of my patients who come in to see me with other chronic health problems are misdiagnosed….

Regardless of what their ICD-10 diagnosis code is...what’s actually wrong is that they have an overworked “energy organ”.  Their battery won’t hold a charge. Their internal power plant is just not capable of making enough juice to keep the lights on.

And when I am able to help them solve that problem, everything else gets better.  

Fatigue, stiff and achy joints, sore muscles, foggy-headedness, low motivation, moodiness, jittery nerves, interrupted sleep patterns, forgetfulness and your inability to concentrate-- all these concerns can just simply fade away... they “burn off” like the fog on a sunny morning, once your “energy organ” is performing at its peak.

And unlike what you’ll see on’s some good news: 

It's never been easier to nourish your adrenal glands...
YOU CAN bring your energy organs back online.

Remember the ancient energy herb I told you about earlier?

You know the one that grows at the highest altitudes in the freezing Siberia? Well, I don’t know where you live...but I’m guessing you’d have a heck of a time growing this plant in your garden…. 

But thankfully...enterprising farmers right here in the US have now found a place where this plant loves to grow…Alaska.

And that means that the supply chain is much more stable...and that means that it’s available (and affordable) to everyday folks like you, and my patients, and me.

And that’s great news...

Because consuming this potent herbal remedy is like putting jumper cables on your adrenal glands and then charging them up to keep them running all day long.

That means you feel stimulated, motivated, and energetic without a crash and burn a few hours later.  

In fact, it works so well…

It’s been used by the military to help soldiers stay alert and energized during sleep deprivation tests and puts astronauts at the space station in a better mood after weeks of cramped living.

It keeps your 
battery charged and your gas tank full!

Leading to an immediate increase in energy production and endurance.

Animal studies have shown that this powerful plant can boost 17% boost in ATP levels, and an astonishing 45% increase in creatine phosphate levels when compared to a placebo group.

They also found that levels of muscle glycogen (a storage form of glucose that can provide energy for more prolonged activities) were 53% greater in the group given energy-enhancing herbs.  

Modern science has proven exactly WHY this ancient herb improves strength, endurance and speeds up recovery.

This high energy herb is also proven to:

Improve your mood.

In one six-week study, 89 people with mild to moderate depression were randomly assigned to receive either this powerful plant or a placebo.

Those who got the plant experienced significant improvements in overall mood scores, sleep and emotional stability, whereas the placebo group showed no improvements. 2 

Boost Brain Function

A double-blind study tested the effects of this herb on mental fatigue in 56 physicians working the brutal overnight third shift....

The physicians were randomly assigned to receive capsules containing the plant or a placebo each day for two weeks.

At the end of the study those who received the plant had reduced mental fatigue and improved their performance on work-related tasks 20% more than those who did not. 3

Help You Lose Weight

Compounds within the high energy herb have been shown to trigger an accelerated fat-burning response.  4

That’s thanks primarily to the fact that it helps normalize cortisol levels which can delay fat-accumulation (especially fat around the midsection).

It also stimulates an enzyme called “hormone-sensitive lipase,” which has the ability to break down fat stored in and around the belly. 

(Especially Belly Fat)

In short…

Also known as “golden root”...

Rhodiola is what’s known as an adaptogenic herb.

Adaptogens are a family of plants that can help your body ADAPT to physical, chemical, and environmental stress.

This powerful plant...really is a “power plant” that  helps your adrenal “energy organs” work better...and that means your body and your mind will feel better too.

It’s called


So what is this ancient energy herb?

And when I say long history… I mean it.  The Vikings used Rhodiola to enhance physical strength, while the Sherpas in the Himalayas used it to climb at high altitudes.

And scientists have studied Rhodiola extensively, mostly for its ability to improve work performance and endurance while fighting sleep deprivation, fatigue, stress and mood issues. 

While concentrations of muscle lactic acid and ammonia (two toxic byproducts of muscular effort) were 18% and 60% lower.

Bottom line…

Rhodiola has a long history of use especially for improving stamina and reducing stress.

However, as powerful and potent as Rhodiola is...

When I set out to solve the problem of low energy production.

I didn’t just stop at Rhodiola.

And Rhodiola is a quintessential adaptogen and arguably the most effective one there is.

That’s due to the fact that it contains 140 known biologically active compounds like rosoavins, polyphenols, terpenoids, flavonoids, and salidrosides that act upon the adrenal glands and including improving the balance and responsiveness of the infamous stress hormone, cortisol.

And as I mentioned earlier…

In addition to Rhodiola, which I consider a cornerstone...
I’ve uncovered 7 additional powerful energy-boosting nutrients…

Together these energy amplifiers will protect your energy reserves and serve you clean, steady energy all day long.  

The first of which is...

Energy Amplifier #2


Energy Amplifier #3


Energy Amplifier #4



Energy Amplifier #5

Energy Amplifier #6


Energy Amplifier #7


Energy Amplifier #8


Together these powerful energy amplifiers give you loads of energy and keep you going all day long.

They let you feel human again... and start to live life on your own terms, like everyone else.

When you get a daily dose of these energy amplifiers… you’ll never again have to worry about having the stamina you need for a day at the office, a long day working in the yard or a weekend shopping marathon.

Of course, you need to make sure you have the right ratio of each of these powerful energy amplifiers to get the most powerful effect.

There’s no room for guesswork when it comes to taking back control of your energy and your life.

That’s why I spent thousands of hours (and thousands of dollars) over many years studying nutritional biochemistry and adaptogenic herbs and translating that knowledge into an optimized formula of the world’s most powerful natural energy amplifiers that can change your life.

And I call it...

If you’re ready to take back control of your day and banish fatigue for good... this is exactly how you do it.

UpWellness Mojo contains all nine energy amplifiers in the perfect ratios to optimize the health of your adrenal’s like adding clean-burning, high octane fuel to your personal power plant.  

And powerful plants they are indeed…   

It’s a little shift to your morning routine...a quick, easy, and absolutely delicious morning energy ritual

change your life forever.

that will

In fact, the blend of “power plants” in every cup will give you back your MOJO.

You’ve heard the term before… Muddy Waters famously sang about getting your mojo working... and countless others have either lost...or found their mojo.  

Mojo means different things to different people...but one thing is for sure— everybody feels better with more of it. 

Upwellness MOJO with its science-backed fatigue-fighting mixture of natural energy amplifiers can help.

For lots of people, more mojo means more energy...but not the artificial or synthetic energy that comes from energy drinks or stimulants, but the steady all-day energy. It can be as simple as getting through the day without needing a nap.  

For others, more mojo means that their internal battery feels fully charged and holding its charge well. That means being better able to manage the stressors of everyday life...being more comfortable going with the flow.

Often, Mojo means more motivation—the umphh that gives you the energy and drive to make the healthy choices that you know you need to make.

Or if you have brain fog, poor concentration, or memory issues...Mojo means improved mental clarity, concentration and focus.  

For some people, more mojo means better performance. On the field, on the trails, the bike, the golf course, the tennis (or pickleball) court...and oh yes, even in the bedroom.  

For pretty much everyone, having more mojo means feeling confident that your body and your mind can keep up with you as you live your best life and feel like your best self.  

Whatever “getting back your MOJO” means for you… 


It’ll work for anyone…

If you’re an athlete or just a regular person…

If you’re in your 30s or your 80s…

If you’re in good shape or not…

You’ve already seen all the science and now you know how it will help you eliminate fatigue and enjoy boundless energy from morning-to-midnight, but that’s only the start. 

Many of my patients rave about their restored mental alertness...

Not to mention all of the other benefits like sleeping better...less stress... better concentration...a stronger libido... and more happiness.

You’ll be able to stay awake and make the most of every single day…

Get through your to-do list in the time it should take and still have time to do what you want…

Most importantly, you’ll have enough energy to start enjoying life again like you did when you were younger.

That’s the key.




Seeing friends out and about…

Because if you’re having trouble keeping up with things you enjoy like…

Just pour one serving of UpWellness MOJO powder into your cup.  Add hot water, milk or non-dairy alternative, or even coffee…give it a stir.

When you have your MOJO, you’re back in control.  

I should also mention that it’s free from soy, artificial colors and manufactured to strict GMP quality standards here in the United States. 

All you need to do is take control of your “energy organ” and raise your ATP levels using the specifically selected energy amplifiers inside UpWellness MOJO.

It will work for you.

And yes, you won’t find this unique formula anywhere else besides this page right here. 

You’ll be amazed by just how different your life is.

Best of all, it’s incredibly easy to unlock these life-changing benefits.

You’ll feel your mojo rising before you get to the bottom of your first cup.

The first thing you’ll notice is the aroma. It smells like rich chocolate brownies that just came out of the oven. The powder will entirely dissolve with no sediment or grainy texture. Take a sip, and delight in the flavor of a decadent hot chocolate…

There is no doubt in my mind:

this is the easiest way for you to join the lucky few who are taking back the reins of their life... and restoring the energy they felt in their 30s!

Of course, these are big promises.

And I can make them because… 

The Power Behind UpWellness MOJO Comes from the scientifically proven Powerful Energy Amplifiers.

They’re the reason why I drink it every single morning -

They’re the reason I recommend it to my patients and

They’re the reason I am NOW suggesting you drink it too.

Energy Amplifier #9


Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and have been a part of my herbal medicine toolbox for my entire career.

They are a huge botanical family with an entire body of medical literature unto themselves...much of it focused on their actions on the human immune system.  

There is a large body of science that medicinal mushrooms act like an accessory power supply for your immune system.

And there are six species in particular that have some pretty remarkable health benefits.

The first of which is: 

Altogether this collection of “Energy Amplifiers” work around the clock, supporting your adrenal glands to help banish fatigue for good and give you steady, all-day energy.

But...I’m not done yet.

I have one more little surprise for you... and this is probably the best part.

You now know that UpWellness MOJO Contains 9 Energy Amplifiers, Hand-Picked for their Energy-Boosting Powers...including our proprietary mushroom blend…

However, we also know that for anything to become part of your morning routine…

It also has to taste great. naturopathic doctor for over 20 years, I admit it...I’ve prescribed some pretty rough tasting herbal extracts over the years. And, even when they work great— if the taste is not tolerable...people might take it for a little while...and then give up.

That’s why I spent years, and tried countless variations to get the taste of UpWellness MOJO just right.

And...when it comes to taste...I am as picky as they come. And, as a naturopathic doctor, I have zero tolerance for anything artificial in my own diet... or in UpWellness products.

So, in addition to the decadent chocolate flavor that comes from the Cacao...UpWellness MOJO gets some of its sweetness from the sap of the coconut palm.

Besides being delicious, coconut palm sap is minimally processed so it retains its nutrients including zinc, potassium, and calcium.

It also contains a “prebiotic” fiber called inulin.

Prebiotics are like a nutritious meal for probiotics…the beneficial gut bacteria that make are known as the microbiome.

The microbiome is the subject of intense research nearly every bit of which demonstrates that our health, and even life as we know it, is wholly dependent on the balance and diversity of the bacteria that live in our GI tracts.  

So...feeding them well is a good thing indeed.

There is nothing like UpWellness MOJO anywhere else.  Nothing that compares to it in terms of the collection of energy amplifiers… and nothing that even comes remotely close in terms of the taste and texture.

It flat out works...

Don’t just take my word for it.

Check this out:  

Isn’t that amazing?

Of course, I could share many more notes of people gushing over MOJO, but instead, I want to ask you…

Wouldn’t you like to feel like they do?

You can.

Don’t Let The Stresses of Your Day-to-Day Life Drain Your Battery.

Don’t blame your low energy level on your age. 

Get Your Mojo Back Today.

Hiking, biking, walking or just going to the beach...never missing a step and never feeling tired or worn out.

Take the trip you always wished you could, but thought you couldn’t because it was just too much traveling...

Every Day That Goes by Without Your Mojo is Another Day Wasted

It’s another day where your energy levels aren’t where they should be or where you want them to be…

Another day where you can’t do what you enjoy because you just don’t have it in you.

I’m sure you’re wondering how you can order ‘MOJO’ today, and what’s the cost?

As you can probably guess – gathering this collection of adaptogenic herbs can be quite the challenge.

UpWellness MOJO  lets you tap into the source...recharging your internal power supply and restoring healthy levels of cellular energy.

So you can take control of your life... and start living it exactly the way you want.

Perhaps you’ll be energized enough to spend the ENTIRE weekend with your children or grandchildren.

Do you have friends or family that are doing less and less with their lives because they think fatigue “is just part of getting older”... 

One serving every morning will help you regain the power, stamina and energy you thought was gone forever.

These 9 Energy Amplifiers pack a serious punch of all-day energy, which is why I’m delighted that I was able to secure a supply so I could include them in UpWellness MOJO.

Redecorate the room you’ve been meaning to for months...

Live a life of leisure... golfing... running... or playing tennis...

No matter what you want to do, UpWellness MOJO can help you do it.

Without the jitters. Without the crash. Without keeping you wired or up all night.

But there’s no time to waste…

I know – because I used to buy them all individually and take them myself.

And finding a safe, effective source of these ingredients was not only costly and time consuming…
But preparing and mixing them into something with the right quantities – that tasted good, too – was a massive effort.

Now – if you wanted to go out and buy these ingredients yourself, you can find the exact list on my website – and you’re free to track them down, order them, and mix them together yourself.

But I can tell you from experience – making this unique blend yourself can quickly run you over $200 just for a one-month’s supply. 

And that’s just the start.

Because we also decided to put together a special program where the more packs you grab today, the more you save.

What that means is – because you’ve come this far, and because you're serious about improving your energy, focus, health and mood…

So, if you’d rather have this incredible blend, measured to perfection, and know it was third-party tested for safety, purity, potency, and flavored all-naturally with a delicious chocolate flavor that you’ll actually love drinking every day…

I’ve created an easy way for you to get MOJO’s adaptogenic herbal blend for yourself today…

And it’s not going to cost you anywhere near $200.  

Now, here’s the deal...

When we decide to make ‘MOJO’ available on our website, my distributor tells me it will retail for around $79.95 (maybe more)…

Which admittedly is a great price, when you consider how expensive and time consuming it is to get ahold of all these energy and mood boosting ingredients.

But because you've come this far...

And because I know you're serious about taking back control over your energy and mood…

I've asked our team to dramatically lower the cost of MOJO for internet customers.

That’s why I decided to do something that gave people options.

That’s why, if you order on this page below – instead of needing to invest over $200 for a single pack of MOJO…

Or even $79.95…

We’ve made it so you can get your very own supply of MOJO today for just $69.95.

That’s right. It’s just $69.95 to give your body the adaptogenic support it needs to erase stress and sustain ‘geothermic’ all-day stamina and energy. 

When you decide to stock up, and order three packs of ‘MOJOs’ adaptogenic herbal blend, the price goes down to just $59.95 per pack – that’s an instant $20 off per pack of the retail price of ‘MOJO’.  

And if you make the smart choice to grab the five-pack package, you'll save even more – and the price goes down to just $49.95 per pack. A total savings of $150!

That’s why we've created multipack options – to help you take advantage of some really big savings.

And because the savings is biggest with the 5-pack package…

That’s what most people decide to choose.

But remember, this offer is only available on this page today.

But no matter if you go with one pack, three packs, or five packs, the most important thing is that you take action by clicking the ‘next step button’ below right now.

Once you do, you’ll be sent to our 100% secure and encrypted order page, where you’ll see the bundle options for ‘MOJO Blend’ along the right-hand side.

If you see options for our special three- and five-pack bundles, that means we have some of these deeply discounted packages still available, and you can stock up now at this incredible low price.

Simply choose the option that’s right for you, enter in your order information, and we’ll ship everything right to your front door.

And if you want to save even more money on the next page, you’ll also have an option to ‘Subscribe and Save’, which brings down the price of your order by an EXTRA 10%!

And not to worry – choosing the subscription is completely optional and 100% your choice.

And if you have any questions about your order, about MOJO’s ingredients, or just to share with us the incredible changes you noticed since taking this incredibly powerful and ‘handpicked’ adaptogenic blend…

So, go ahead and click the next step button below and get started today.

Also, you should know that when you order on this page today…

Plus, we’re also including free shipping on everything you order through this page here today.

See, I want you to be 100% happy with your purchase.

So, if for any reason – if you change your mind in the next 60 days, and at any point decide you’re just not a fan of ‘MOJO’s Adaptogenic Blend’…

Simply email our customer support at, and we’ll happily help you return the product, and get you a full refund – no questions asked.

That's how confident I am in this powerful new formula.

So, if for some reason this isn’t the right fit for you, there’s no hassles or headaches to get your money back.

It’s important to note though, that refund rates for ‘MOJO’ have been reported to be remarkably low…

Because this product really does help make a huge difference in energy, stamina, focus, and mood.

And there’s a good chance it will do the same for you too.

But the only way to find out is by selecting your desired package of UpWellness MOJO below while there's still time, and we still have packs left in stock.

Your purchase is completely covered by our ‘UpWellness Certified’ 60-day money-back guarantee.

just $69.95

You can simply call us seven days a week at 800-876-2196.

But if you make that decision, what will change?

Feeling tired, logy, or sluggish each day…

A dark and fuzzy, foggy brain…

Anxious feelings, low motivation, little things stirring big emotions…

These are not problems that simply go away on their own.

The way I see it – you really have 3 options…

You can go down to your local health food store, pick up all the ingredients I laid out for you here on this page (if they have them in stock)…

Do the research and find out the exact key measurements…

And – unless you have your own herbal medicine lab on hand, it will likely cost you hundreds of dollars to do so.

And even then, you’ll be left wondering about the purity, safety, and potency of your ingredients…

And that’s just extra effort, stress, and spending that I just don’t want for you.

And that is to simply do what thousands of others have done before you and try ‘MOJO’ completely risk-free.

Really, it’s a simple decision.

It’s no coincidence that you’ve spent the time, making it all the way here with me today.

It means you’re ready for a change.

Which is why I ask you to trust yourself in making the right decision.

So go ahead select your package of UpWellness MOJO below and get started right away.

And don't forget you'll get significantly deeper discounts on our larger bundle options…

The first is to leave this website, not order your UpWellness MOJO, and keep doing what you’ve always been doing…

Then there’s Option #2 – which is to take everything you learned today and try to ‘go it alone’…

Which is of course why I recommend option #3.

© year UpWellness

But remember, this special offer is only available for people who read this page until the very end.

If you leave this page, UpWellness MOJO’s adaptogenic blend will only be available on our website for its regular price of $79.95.

And don’t forget, you’re able to try ‘MOJO’ for a full 60 days.

And if for whatever reason you’re not satisfied with the results – you’ll get a complete refund of your money.

I hope you’ll make the right choice for yourself today.

And get up to $150 OFF the retail price, instantly – when you act right now.

I’m Dr. Joshua Levitt…

And I cannot wait to hear about your experience with ‘MOJO’s’ adaptogenic herbal blend.

Yours for healthy living.

just $49.95


This power-packed plant works like a dynamic thermostat on stress hormones...especially keep it in balance and appropriately responsive to stress...not over-reacting...but not under-reacting either…

And the answer can be found 14,783 feet above sea level…

High atop the frigid Altai Mountain range.

That’s where a yellow flowering succulent used for centuries by ancient healers grows…

More recently, this energy enhancing herb has been secretly used by the military, olympic athletes and even astronauts to give them a competitive edge.

Well, according to new can.

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Kathy C.

I look forward to drinking [this] every morning. I feel calm with more energy, improved focus and mental clarity, very happy, and have more stamina and endurance.

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Mike M.

It makes me feel noticeably more energetic, balanced and just an overall sense of well being... from Day 1!   It’s delicious in my coffee, too. THANKS!

America’s leading Natural Physician REVEALS this 3,000 year old secret why you should…

Drink 2 tsp of This Chocolate with Warm Water Every Morning to 
Unlock INFINITE Energy, Skyrocket Brain Function and Erase Stress

And how taking just one sip of this “Chocolate Mojo Juice” can not only provide you with endless ‘geothermic’ energy, laser focus and attention, Zen-like mood, and the ability to sleep deeply through the night… but also turn your body into a fat-burning furnace...

Plus, discover how by taking just 30 seconds each morning to drink this ancient tonic, you can go from this…

To this…

Let me ask you a question…

But First…

(Sound familiar?)

You see, with so many devices, social media and non-stop busy-ness, it is very difficult to shut our brains down.

I get it, I run a medical practice and have 3 kids. At times it seems my to-do
list is impossibly long.

And, without some daytime rest and relaxation, and a rejuvenating and restorative night’s sleep…tomorrow will be another groggy, sluggish brain foggy day.

And what do you think is going to happen when you lay your head down at night after having no energy all day because your adrenals just can’t keep up?

You guessed it.

You won’t sleep well, and you’ll lose the replenish your body's energy stores, as I have described above.

Are YOU one of the millions of Americans who are suffering from a pandemic of “adrenal fatigue” that is zapping energy, ruining sleep, and causing weight gain.

So many people tell me that the demands of every day make them feel like they are:

And the hamster wheel continues.

Bad sleeping results in low energy which then results in bad sleeping.

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like.

Feeling slow, tired and groggy is not going to activate your inner fat burning furnace, ignite your brain and give you incredible focus.

And I’ll reveal my exact 30-second trick I do with 2 tsp of CHOCOLATE and warm water in just a moment. But first, I want to ask you another question…

It’s time you broke the cycle!

In order to provide your body with the all-day energy it requires, you need to do this 30-second morning trick right after you wake up.

Burning the candle at both ends

Spread too thin

Running on fumes

Pulled in a million directions

Ashwagandha, although a mouthful, is a perfect match to Rhodiola because with it, you’re getting some serious fatigue fighting power. Not only that, but it’s shown to help you sleep better at night and wake up feeling more refreshed. That’s why as far back as 5,000 BC ancient Indians referred to it as the “life-extender”. Legend has it that it gives you the vigor and strength of a stallion. And now with more than 200 studies on Ashwagandha, we now know exactly what it does. And combined with Rhodiola, Ashwagandha will give you the boost you need to take back control of your life... but I’m just getting started.

Eleuthero – like Rhodiola and Ashwagandha – also has incredible energy-boosting powers! For example, it was used by explorers, divers, sailors and miners to keep their energy levels high... And in 1967 astronauts toasted with the herb after reaching orbit to help them feel more alert…It’s also reportedly energized our Olympians to peak levels so they could win more gold medals than ever before. Eleuthero really is an amazing botanical medicine. 

Cacao – Centuries before cacao became known as the source of the world’s most loved was one a sacred, ceremonial food in South America. The Latin name of the plant is Theobroma cacao which translates into “food of the gods”... an indication of the reverence that the people had for this plant. The Aztecs and Mayans regularly used cacao in ritual ceremonies, and as a divine medicine. In fact, it is still used today by traditional healers, shaman, and medicine men and women for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. And now, much as they did with Rhodiola, scientists are now validating what these ancient healers have known all along.  Cacao is powerful stuff.

Ceylon Cinnamon – Now just to be clear, Ceylon cinnamon is not the ordinary cinnamon we put in our tea, oatmeal, or desserts. Instead it's a much more potent and proven kind of cinnamon. And you won’t find this spice in your typical grocery store. But its ability to help energize your mind and body is due to its well studied effects on blood sugar and insulin. I’m sure you've heard of insulin’s a hormone secreted by the pancreas that plays a key role in blood sugar regulation, metabolism and general energy expenditure. It’s primary and most well-known job is transporting glucose “blood sugar” from your bloodstream into your cells where it can then be used as fuel to produce energy.

Goji Berries are a beautiful, tasty, nutritious superfood berries with an awesome nickname...and an equally awesome story of how they rose to fame. Goji berries are often called “red diamonds” because of their color, their shape...and their value. First, similar to the actions of Ceylon cinnamon, Goji berries help control the release of sugar into the blood by improving insulin action and receptor sensitivity. Studies have also linked goji berries to an increase in HDL cholesterol ...that’s the good kind. And that’s not all…Studies have also linked goji berries to improved energy, mood, and digestive health.

MCT Oil – MCT status for medium-chain triglyceride….where the word medium refers to the length of the molecular chain that forms this health-promoting oil. And because of their shorter length, MCTs are more easily digested than the longer-chain fatty acids found in many other foods. Rapid digestion means they go to work fuel for delivering you the energy you need. An example of this phenomenon in action comes from a study that showed that people who added MCT oil to their breakfast ended up eating less food for lunch compared to those taking coconut oil. But it’s MCT oil’s effects on energy that really got my attention...and are most relevant to what we’re discussing here today.

Matcha is a sacred Japanese herbal remedy that is made from dried and finely ground green tea leaves. It is used traditionally to increase energy and improve concentration but simultaneously bring forth a sense of mental tranquility. Those effects are because matcha contains a high concentration of flavonoids and L-theanine, which increases the brain’s alpha frequency band and produces relaxing effects by raising serotonin, GABA, and dopamine levels. Research also shows that L-theanine consumption is associated with improvements in mood, often referred to as a feeling of “zen” which is especially helpful during times of high stress. In fact, it has often been said that L-theanine acts like “meditation in a capsule” because of its ability to ease tension and promote relaxation without causing drowsiness. Bottom line... Matcha is powerful stuff and goes to work fast to increase your energy.

Cordyceps are true adaptogen and are used to safely and effectively stimulate both energy and the libido. Cordyceps are also useful in terms of improving the efficiency of oxygen utilization and enhancing blood flow. For that reason, it is commonly (but not exclusively) used in people with lung or respiratory problems.

Reishi mushrooms have been called nature's “chill pill” due to the calming and relaxing effect they have on the body. Reishi mushrooms are exceptionally useful when mental and emotional problems arise in the setting of stress…these mushrooms are good mood medicine…They can also sharpen focus, and like many other medicinal mushrooms...they have immunological, detoxifying and metabolic effects that can make weight loss easier.

Named for its shaggy appearance, Lion's Mane is another mushroom that is both a food and medicine.  It is a favorite among herbalists for the brain and nervous system where it can benefit the mind, mood, and memory. Brain fog? Lion’s mane can lift it.  Lion’s Mane is a great remedy for maintaining alertness and naturally improving mental clarity. It’s also packed with antioxidants and strengthens the immune system.

Not only are Shiitake mushrooms a delicious and nutritious food...they are also a potent natural medicine. They contain beta-glucan and other polysaccharides that enhance immunity, prevent cellular damage from toxin exposure and protect DNA. These mushrooms are particularly good for the cardiovascular system where they can assist in maintaining healthy blood pressure and enhancing circulation. And of course, better heart health and better blood flow means better energy.

Turkey Tail mushrooms grow on decaying wood on every continent...and they are one of the most well-researched medicinal mushrooms in the world. Much of that research has investigated the effects of unique polysaccharides (like PSK and PSP) that have beneficial effects on immunity, inflammation, and gastrointestinal health. Even in a critical care setting, it has even shown to increase survival in the most desperately ill patients.

King Trumpet – it carries the name “king” for two reasons.  First, because it’s the largest of the oyster mushroom species. And second, because it’s such a powerful nutritional medicine. King Trumpet mushrooms are especially rich in an amino acid called ergothioneine and the mineral selenium which at least partly explains the observed beneficial immune effects.

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Believe me – the 8 Energy Amplifiers that I discussed above are really that powerful.

But I have some news for you…there’s another special “Energy Amplifier” that I uncovered. And this one really seals the deal.

Because of my work in the natural product industry… I was able to secure an exclusive supply of:

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease..


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Love the taste! Drink every morning...

I've been drinking for the last few weeks. I add it to my morning coffee and have finally found that all-day energy to get me through the day. Can't recommend enough.

Steve S.    |   Verified Buyer

Herbal Medicine never tasted this Delicious!

From the aroma when you open the packet to the delicious taste, this is the most incredible powder drink I have ever tasted!

Jacob C.    |   Verified Buyer

Mojo makes me feel noticeably more energetic

Mojo makes me feel noticeably more energetic, balanced and just an overall sense of well being... from Day 1! It’s delicious in my coffee, too.

Mike M.    |   Verified Buyer

I normally take a preworkout...

I normally take a preworkout before I run, but today I just had mojo and it gave me an extra kick that preworkout doesn't!

Abby S.    |   Verified Buyer