Medical Experts From The Mayo Clinic, Harvard Medical School, Yale, And MIT All Agree…

“When it Comes To Your Immunity, It’s All About What’s

Questions? Call:
(800) 876-2196

Dr. Joshua Levitt

Hi I’m Dr. Josh Levitt, Medical Preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine,

and I’ve got a question for you…

In Your Gut”

A little about me:

I live in Connecticut, with my wife Amanda and our three kids. They’re all teenagers right now...please send your prayers. (Gratefully, I’m just kidding...they are all wonderful people and not giving us too much grief at all...yet.)  

I am a board-certified naturopathic physician, and in that capacity, I own and run one of the most well-respected holistic medicine practices in New England. That’s where I see patients and where I serve as a clinical preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine.

I also have a degree in physiology from UCLA (with an unofficial minor in surfing) and a doctorate from Bastyr University in Seattle…

What would you be willing to sacrifice in order to add multiple years of healthy living onto your life?

A wise man once said, “The key to life is to die young as late as possible.”

Now, of course this doesn’t mean we should die at a young age… Far from it…

It means that we should try to carry the spirit of our younger days with us into older age…

But the truth is, it becomes difficult to carry your youthful spirit if your body starts breaking down...

Now, imagine a world where almost nobody ever got sick?

I know it sounds insane, especially during this crazy time we’re living through.

But just stop for a minute and imagine how much less stressful life would be. No fevers. No cough medicine. No urgent care.

More time with your loved ones, the ability to move around freely without serious health problems...

How much more we’d all enjoy our lives…

And how much better this world would be...

What if we could all add additional years to our life span?
And live well into old age, healthy, active and full of energy…

...the most prestigious naturopathic medical education in the world.

My education and training has earned me the trust of physicians in every specialty who refer their most complex and challenging patients to me every day.
For me, the part I’m most proud of is that...

I’m sure you have heard sensational promises before…

And unfortunately, right now it’s really hard to know who to trust.

But with nearly 20 years of direct clinical experience, I can tell you that there is nothing more important to your long term health than the immune supporting secret I’m about to share with you today.

These are some of the brightest minds in medicine who often perform medical miracles in their own practices every day.

Yet, with all of the advances in modern medicine…

We’ve painted ourselves into a corner.

While it’s true that antibiotics are effective at treating bacterial infections like Strep Throat, it’s also true that our bodies were not designed to ingest antibiotics…

Over time, they degrade our immune systems...

You see, when antibiotics are used to fight off foreign invaders, they kill off your good bacteria too.

Studies show that it can take three to six months to restore that good bacteria...and often, they don't come back at all…

And that leaves you open to all sorts of problems.

If you have digestive problems, poor immunity, get sick more often than you should…

The collection of living microbes– fungi, bacteria (good and bad) protozoa etc is called your microbiome…

When antibiotics kill off your good and bad bacteria, this takes place in your gut...

That’s a ridiculous amount of antibiotics coursing through our bodies…

The result is that our bacteria levels are depleted…

It’s SHOCKING how few good bacteria we have!

According to recent research…

You need at least 85 percent friendly or “good” bacteria in your microbiome to keep your digestion healthy and your immunity strong.

The Most Efficient Way to Build Back up Good Bacterial Levels in Your Gut is to Start Taking a Multistrain Probiotic Immediately!

It’s that simple…

You don’t need a doctor like me to tell you this, because your body is already telling you with symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

And during times of stress, increased exposure to things like colds and the flu...

The RIGHT RATIO of good to bad bacteria is crucial for a strong immune system and good health.

Think of it this way...

Just as your body needs the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy…

Your gut needs the right balance of good and bad bacteria to keep your digestion regular and your immune system strong.

And if you’re STILL not sure…

Here are the mild symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore…

When you kill off your intestinal flora, you kill OFF your immunity, too.

Even though you have trillions of these microscopic bacteria in your intestines...

You absolutely need EVERY ONE OF THEM…

Not just for digestion…

But for your immune system too.

Intestinal bacteria are the conductors of the immune system.

They trigger your immune system to react to threats when it’s supposed to (and keep it calm in the absence of a threat, too)

Take a look at what Yale University had to say about the importance of probiotics…

In one study from Finland, researchers discovered that consuming a drink containing the probiotic Bifidobacterium improved bowel function in nursing home residents.2

And researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles believe that probiotic supplements can treat allergy induced skin rashes in babies.

Scientists at Emory University recently published a study in the journal Experimental Biology that suggests that probiotics can improve not only the health of our gut but liver health, as well.3

Plus New evidence shows that probiotics may help with lung issues,
cardiovascular concerns, autoimmunity, fatigue and even aching, sore muscles all over that won't go away.

And when it comes to your immune system…

An Italian study found a reduction in common winter illnesses with probiotics.4

Meanwhile, Australian scientists recently found that probiotic treatment doubled levels of interferon gamma, a substance that plays a key role in fighting viral infection.5


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Which is why I created

Antibiotics have wreaked havoc on our immune systems for decades...

According to the CDC 4 out of 5 Americans are prescribed antibiotics EVERY YEAR!

And as I mentioned earlier...

Excessive gas and bloating - This happens when bad bacteria overrun your digestive system where they manufacture excessive gas. This excess gas causes bloating which can make you feel uncomfortable when you sit or lie down.

Nausea and upset stomach - When dangerous bad bacteria and other pathogens invade your digestive system, it can cause you to feel sick to your stomach.It may even cause you to vomit because it’s your body’s last effort to  get out all the bad stuff! And it’s a clear sign that you need more of the friendly good bacteria.

Periodic constipation - You get constipated because you don’t have enough water, fiber, and friendly bacteria in your colon to move waste along. When your stool gets hard, it can also build inside your intestine, making it even  harder to pass. Having a bowel movement shouldn’t be painful and cause you to strain. Instead your poop should come out smoothly, quickly and effortlessly. And it should not smell terrible either.

Occasional diarrhea - On the opposite end of the spectrum, a loose, runny or watery stool can be even worse. Especially when you feel like you have to go urgently. Cramps and sometimes even a burning sensation can often come along with diarrhea. You need balanced bacteria in your digestive tract to produce stools that aren’t too hard or too soft.

Cramping or stomach pain - Imbalances in the intestinal bacteria can also cause cramping and pain. That’s because the bad bacteria and other organisms cause irritation to the lining of the intestine...which can result in painful intestinal spasms. Even occasional cramps and spasms are a sign of a digestive system that is out of balance and needs help.

And when bad bacteria takes over that space…

You can’t defend yourself from germs, viruses, parasites and poisons.

Bottom line...

At a recent medical conference held at Yale Medical School a panel of experts cited 61 scientific studies on the importance of gut health and immunity.

Their recommendations appeared in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.1

Here are just a few of the studies they discussed…

Probiotics Strengthen Your Immune System 

Finally when German scientists studied 479 healthy adults for several months during the winter cold and flu season. They found that those who took probiotics suffered shorter colds and less sniffles and coughs.

Half the subjects took probiotics, the other half a placebo. Those who enjoyed the benefits of real, live probiotic cultures had shorter colds and less severe cold symptoms.

And here's what's really interesting…

When the scientists did further testing they found that those who took probiotics had a higher white blood cell count. White blood cells are your immune cells that provide your first defense against foreign invaders.

The science is clear...

Probiotic +


Probiotic + is a premium blend of SIX beneficial microorganisms that were carefully selected to help:

Improve immunity

Reduce gas, bloating, and indigestion

Improve bowel regularity

Promote a healthy, balanced, and diverse microbiome

And keep bad bacteria in check

There is NO other probiotic on the market that contains this specific “family” of microorganisms and adaptogens. Each member of the family has its own job...but the strength if the formula is in the synergy of family itself.

Probiotic + is a combination that I trust in my patients...and the clinical results have been nothing less than amazing.

But that’s not all…

See, in addition to the six probiotic strains…

I’ve also added VitaFiber™

It’s a powerful prebiotic to help feed and nurture your healthy gut bacteria.

It’s a non-GMO, corn-free dietary fiber and it contains no preservatives, gluten or allergens.

It’s the perfect complement to an already powerful probiotic formula.

There is no question that a healthy microbiome can lead to a healthier more robust immune system…

Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14:  This strain has proven benefits for general system support and has been studied specifically for women’s health.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-32: 
 A proven strain for gastrointestinal health, Lr-32 has strong adhesion inside the intestine where it gets to work decreasing inflammation and modulating immune function and disease resistance.

Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115:  
Found in traditional fermented foods like sauerkraut, Lp-115 is a survivor. It can survive the acidic conditions in the stomach and sets up camp in the intestine where it is extremely effective for improving gastrointestinal function and immunity.

Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-06:  This beneficial bacteria is an important part of the intestinal ecosystem from before the time humans can even walk. Healthy populations of Bb-06 in the intestine help gastrointestinal function, metabolism, and inflammation.

Bifidobacterium breve Bb-03:  This strain of Bifidobacterium became famous in 2015 when research was published that demonstrated that Bb-03 can improve metabolism and help people lose fat more easily.

Saccharomyces boulardii:  One of these things is not like the others…and “SaccroB” is something special indeed. This organism stands out in Probiotic + for several reasons.

First, it is not a bacteria like the rest of the strains in the formula...instead it is a beneficial, non-pathogenic microorganism that is similar to brewer's yeast.

Second, it is “non-colonizing” which means that it does its work as it washes through the intestine rather than setting up camp like the other probiotics in the formula.

And third, it has over 50 years and hundreds of scientific studies demonstrating its safety and effectiveness. Saccharomyces boulardii is like “weed and feed” for the garden inside your GI tract.

The “weeding” refers to how it helps to expel the unwanted “bad bugs” from the garden which leaves room for the “good guys” to grow. The “feeding” refers to how SaccroB improves immunity by increasing the levels of protective antibodies in the lining of the intestine which improves the immunity of the intestine itself and the body as a whole.

I chose every strain of “friendly” microorganisms in the formula for a specific reason... And not I’d like to introduce each one:







And in this day and age...there’s nothing more important.

You can’t afford to get sick, and Probiotic + can help.

And right now as part of our Immune Support Campaign…

I’ve authorized the lowest price ever on Probiotic +...

Normally Probiotic + sells on our website for $47.

But you won’t have to pay that today.

Instead...because you’ve read this far and I know you’re interested in maximizing your immunity and because as a doctor I know how important that is especially in these troubling times…

You get an exclusive discount today…

And when you take advantage of our Immune Support Campaign...

You can pick up your own supply of Probiotic +  for just $37 per bottle...

That’s 21% off the retail price.

And a savings of $10 per bottle.

But it gets even better.

Because when you choose our 6-bottle package your cost goes down to only $23.50 per bottle!

That’s a savings of +50% and $141!

That price is lower than many competing products which aren’t nearly as comprehensive or effective.

But here’s the thing…

We are ONLY offering you this special price because you’ve stayed with me...

Which as I said before tells me…

You’re SERIOUS about boosting your immunity and improving your health.

And I don’t want you to miss out on the immune boosting power of a healthy gut.

So, if you are finally ready to maximize your immunity and boost your ability to defend your body from toxins, pathogens, parasites and poisons.

Then you need to take action right now…

And here’s the best part.

You don’t even have to decide today.

That’s because your purchase of Probiotic + is backed by our industry leading lifetime no questions asked money back guarantee.

That means…

If you happen to be one of the small fraction of people that these ingredients simply don’t work for...

Or you’re unhappy for ANY reason…

Simply return any empty or unused bottles and you’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund.

No questions asked.
It’s really that simple.

What’s more…

When you order today shipping is 100% free.

So, order your supply of Probiotic + right now.

Experience a healthier more efficient immune system, better digestion and feel better than you have in  years…

Then pick up your discounted bottles of Probiotic + while supplies last.

Probiotic +  is guaranteed to give you all of these benefits and so much more starting on day one.

Choose your package below…


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Total: $37.00





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Total: $87.00

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Total: $141.00

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It’s about you... and how the approach that I’ve developed can help you stay healthy.

There’s a reason why Ivy League physicians routinely send me their most complex patients.

We’ve stopped focusing on health and instead only focus on disease.

You see, like I’ve just explained…

Doctors are far too quick to prescribe medications...

The reason?

They the short term anyway.

What people don’t realize is…

And since a whopping 80% of your immune cells are found in your gut…

It’s vital you keep your gut healthy, toxin free and teeming with good, healthy bacteria.

You see, it’s the good bacteria in your digestive system that actually TRIGGERS your immune system to defend your body from invasion by pathogens, parasites and poisons.

Which means, one of the fastest and most effective ways to boost your immune system…

Is to restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut.

And the sad reality is...

But one controversial study at the Minneapolis V.A. Hospital revealed that the intestine of the average person had only 15 percent good bacteria and 85 percent “bad” or pathogenic strains…

That’s exactly the opposite of what they need!

This common bacterial imbalance can cause a wide range of symptoms.

From digestive issues, skin problems, poor immunity and everything in between.

Having too many bad bacteria causes digestive nightmares and practically destroys your immunity.

If you have even mild digestive problems, catch colds easily or suffer from allergies or other signs of a weak immune system…

It’s a good bet that your bad bacteria far outnumber your good bacteria.

Remember, 80% of your immune system cells are housed in the lining of your gut…

A healthy gut with plenty of good bacteria = a power-packed immune system.

But what truly sets Probiotic + apart from other digestive supplements is the inclusion of Adaptogens. Adaptogens are naturally occurring plants, and roots, like Ginger, which help our bodies adapt to stress. In fact, Chinese healers have been using Adaptogens to treat issues like insomnia, impotency, depression and other maladies for thousands of years.

Holy Basil

Also known as “Tulsi,” which translates to “The Incomparable One,” this medicinal herb is a game-changer. According to the Hindus, Holy Basil is considered the “Mother Medicine of Nature.” It improves resilience to stress in all of its forms. Consuming holy basil has a wide range of beneficial physiological effects including: more efficient digestion, increased physical stamina, protection against toxic exposures and improved glucose control. 22, 23

Turkey Tail

This mushroom which grows wild in much of the world gets its name from the colorful mushroom caps which resemble the tail of a turkey. Traditional Chinese healers have used Turkey Tail extract (Yun zhi) as a treatment for respiratory conditions for hundreds of years.
Turkey Tail has been extensively studied with hundreds of scientific papers demonstrating its usefulness in gastroenterology, immunology, and even oncology. It is a rich source of polysaccharide-K and polysaccharopeptides which act as “prebiotics'' in Probiotic + and make it useful in re-establishing healthy digestive and immune function, especially in the setting of stress. 24


Perhaps the most well known Adaptogen, Ginger comes from a root that originated in Southeast Asia. Very common in Japanese and Chinese kitchens, Ginger has a potent kick that adds a zing to any meal. But is also world renowned for its medicinal properties. Ginger root is a favorite among herbalists for its benefits on gastrointestinal health and digestion.The ginger in Probiotic + also acts to increase circulation in the GI tract and enhances the power and effectiveness of all of the other ingredients in the formula. 25

I’ve worked with thousands of real-life patients over the past 18 years.

And during that time, I’ve helped many who thought they couldn’t be helped…

But honestly, all of this talk about me makes me a little bit uncomfortable....because this is not really about me.

Probiotic + Contains 3 Adaptogenic Ingredients That Promote Digestive Health & Immunity:

You’re covered by our exclusive 100%, No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee!


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