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Limited Time Offer!

Improved digestion of your currently “forbidden” foods…
Decrease in heartburn, gas, bloating, and indigestion…

Increased absorption of vital nutrients from food...

Support daily healthy and consistent bowel movements…

Decreased food cravings and assisting in detoxification…

Providing protective support from inflammation-causing pathogens…

Improvements in the diversity and balance of your microbiome… 

Plus, Total Revive + Also Contains...

There’s Simply No Other Supplement On The Market That Contains This “Family” Of Powerful, Digestive Enzymes And Herbal Adaptogenic Superfoods.

Dr. Joshua Levitt

One of the Nation’s Top Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. Joshua Levitt runs one of the most highly respected holistic medicine practices in New England where he sees patients and serves as a clinical preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine. In practice, Dr. Josh draws upon the science of both conventional and naturopathic medicine, artfully combining the two into a unique “best of both worlds” approach. 

He has over 20 years of direct clinical experience using a unique blend of nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, and physical medicine to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions.

His patients and his readers praise him for the ability to educate, motivate, and inspire them with stories and advice that helps them help themselves.

But enough about me... 

60-Day, No-Hassle, Money Back Guarantee

Your Purchase Is Completely Protected By Our 100% Satisfaction 60 Day Guarantee. If You Aren’t Completely Satisfied With This Product, Just Contact Our Customer Service In The Next 60 Days For Your Refund.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease..

Don’t Wait A Moment Longer!


Amylase is the primary enzyme used for carbohydrate digestion. It breaks down complex starches into simple sugars so that they can be absorbed and used for fuel. Total Revive Plus contains high potency Amylase to help your body properly break down carbs, and turn them into a steady source of clean energy.

So what can Total Revive + 
help you with?

But – most importantly…


Naturally occurring in honey, Invertase is an enzyme that breaks sucrose into fructose and glucose. This results in better digestion and utilization of simple carbohydrates in the diet..and MORE ENERGY! Plus it reduces toxic fermentation of sugars within your digestive tract and helps prevent bacterial overgrowth within the gastrointestinal tract.


Maltose is a disaccharide that is commonly found in grains and in many fruits. In order for these healthy foods to be used as fuel, that maltose needs to be broken down into glucose. The maltase enzyme in Total Revive + does exactly that, turning food into fuel for better digestion, better nutrition, and more energy.


Dairy products contain lactose which is at the top of the list of common food triggers that cause gastrointestinal symptoms. Lactase is the enzyme that is responsible for the digestion of lactose...and over 70% of adults have low lactase levels. Supplementation is essential for ensuring healthy digestion and food tolerability.


DPP-IV is a protein-digesting enzyme with a very specific job. It breaks down components found in gluten, which is an extremely common food trigger. Supplementing with DPP-IV allows more dietary freedom without worrying about gastrointestinal symptoms after meals.


Healthy plant foods like grains, legumes, nuts and seeds store their minerals in tightly bound packages bound within molecules of phytic acid. Phytase allows your body to open and release plant-based minerals so they can be absorbed and put to use in your body.


Here is what our customers have to say about Total Revive +...

“For me, it was like two for the price of one. I started taking it for my digestion and as that started to get better, I noticed that my joint pain was improving as well…”

Lydia D.    |   Verified Buyer

So do what thousands of others have done before you, try Total Revive +® completely risk-free and soothe heartburn & bowel irritation for good. 

The way I see it – you really have 2 options…

 Option #1  is to leave this website, not order your Total Revive +, ‘go it alone’ and keep doing what you’ve always been doing…

You can even go down to your local health food store, pick up all the ingredients I laid out for you here on this page (if they have them in stock)…

Do the research and find out the exact key measurements…

And – unless you have your own herbal medicine lab on hand, it will likely cost you hundreds of dollars to do so.

And even then, you’ll be left wondering about the purity, safety, and potency of your ingredients…

And that’s just extra effort, stress, and spending that I simply don’t want for you.

Which is of course why I recommend  Option #2 

And that is to simply do what thousands of others have done before you and try Total Revive + completely risk-free.

Really, it’s a simple decision.

It’s no coincidence that you’ve spent the time, making it to this point here with me today.

It means you’re ready for a change.

Which is why I ask you to trust yourself in making the right decision.

And when you compare these options for yourself…

It’s easy to see just how much sense this makes.

*** RECEIPT ***


Price of each supplement:

OVER $200











So go ahead and claim your FREE bottle of Total Revive + below and get started right away.

But remember, this special offer is only available for people who take action on this page here today.

If you leave this page, Toal Revive + will only be available on our website for its regular price of $57.

And don’t forget, you’re able to try Total Revive + risk-free for a full 60 days.

If for whatever reason you’re not satisfied with the results – you’ll get a complete refund of your money (even if you only paid for shipping).

I hope you’ll make the right choice for yourself today.

And I cannot wait to hear about your experience with Total Revive +.

Yours for healthy living, 

- Dr. Joshua Levitt


No commitment required
No subscription
No risk

Say Goodbye To Painful Indigestion, Embarrassing Gas, Uncomfortable Bloating, and "Brownie Batter" Poops

Take THIS Before Meals To SUPERCHARGE Digestion, Skyrocket Metabolism & Empty Your Bowels Every Morning

Claim Your Free Bottle Today
Claim Your Free Bottle Today

Get your 30 day supply today!


13 Proven ingredients 

Supports healthy & consistent bowel movements

Improves digestion

Enhances the diversity & balance of your microbiome

Try Total Revive + 
FREE Today!

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Claim Your Free Bottle Today

Limited Time: 
Claim Your 
FREE Bottle Of Total Revive +

“I can finally eat what I want without running to the bathroom after every meal. Thank you!”

Jackson L.    |   Verified Buyer

"I have multiple medical problems and I take seven different prescription drugs every day. It’s frustrating because each pill only deals with one problem. That’s why I’m so grateful to Dr. Levitt for suggesting this supplement because it’s the only thing that I take that treats my whole body, and it really does help me feel better inside and out."

Nadina W.    |   Verified Buyer

10 Digestive Enzymes

The nutritional importance of dietary protein is undisputed...but that protein needs to be broken down into amino acids which can then be absorbed in order to be put to use. Protease is the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of dietary protein. Declining protease levels as we age is why protease supplementation is so important for metabolic health and stronger, leaner, more toned body.


Dietary fats are not all created equal...but they all get broken down by lipase enzymes. Lipase plays an essential role in the digestive process by turning dietary fats and oils into monoglycerides and free fatty acids. Quite literally, lipase is a fat-busting enzyme!


The cell walls of all plant foods are made of an indigestible fiber called cellulose. Supplementing with enzymatic cellulase can help break down that cellulose into simple carbohydrates that can be used as fuel and will improve the health of the GI microbiome.


This multi-purpose proteolytic enzyme is used to both enhance digestion and reduce musculoskeletal pain and inflammation. Its enzymatic action involved the breakdown of specific peptide bonds which are involved in the production of fibrous scar tissue after an inflammatory process.


3 Adaptogenic Superfoods

Also known as Indian Gooseberry, Amla is a true superfood. It is loaded with Vitamin C (each fruit has more than 10X the Vitamin C in an orange!) and herbalists consider it a true adaptogen. It is widely used in herbal medicine as a tonic to enhance digestion, improve heart health, and increase energy and vitality.


Gotu Kola is an herbal medicine that has been used for thousands of years as an anti-aging remedy. It’s effects are especially powerful on the skin and on the lining of the digestive tract where it has a soothing effect that enhances the integrity and the function of the intestinal barrier.


Also known as “Tulsi”, this herbal medicine deserves it’s holy nickname. It is a plant that has been described in ancient medical texts as “incomparable” and a symbol of strength and is used to improve resilience to stress. Consuming holy basil has a wide range of beneficial physiological effects including: more efficient digestion, increased physical stamina, protection against toxic exposures and improved glucose control.


What Makes Total Revive + So Good?

So what can 
Total Revive + 
help you with?

Total Revive + Acts Like a 30 Second Gut-Soothing "Miracle Trick" to Stop Indigestion and Have Solid, Easy-to-Pass Bowel Movements Every Single Day…

With Total Revive +, you’re virtually handed a second chance at living a life free from painful digestion, embarrassing gas, uncomfortable bloating and heartburn…
And struggling year after year to melt away stubborn, hanging belly, arm and thigh fat.

Total Revive+ is a 100% guaranteed, physician-formulated, broad spectrum digestive enzyme formula that naturally helps your body digest, absorb, and assimilate the nutrients in your food so you can…

Control and reduce stress-induced hunger or “trigger food” cravings…
Easily enjoy more daytime energy without slumps or crashes…

Give your body more nutrients …

Help support natural and healthy weight loss…

And start to feel GREAT again – regardless of what you eat. 

Truly, it’s the only supplement that combines the support of a broad-spectrum digestive enzymes with the stress-managing power of herbal adaptogens that rounds out this formula and makes it truly unique and clinically effective.
And I specifically designed the Total Revive + as a whole...which means it offers a multi-pronged approach to… 

Decrease food cravings, assist in detoxification, and boost energy levels to help support healthy weight loss...
Enhance the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in food, so you enjoy more natural all-day energy without those crashes after eating...

Improve digestion of your currently “forbidden” foods, allowing you to enjoy eating and not be limited by a strict or bland diet...

Decrease gas, bloating, indigestion…improve bowel regularity, and even decrease bowel and body odor… 

AND help people who are dealing with the digestive and whole-body consequences of chronic stress.
See, Total Revive + is the PERFECT support to any diet plan, routine, or lifestyle you’re following…

Whether its Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Plant-based, Low-Carb, High-Carb, Low-Fat, High Fat, low or high protein, or anything in between… 

Say GOODBYE To Emergency Bowel Movements, Excess Belly Fat, And “Painful Poop Cramps” – For GOOD.

Chances are, if you’re on this page, you’re suffering from the same "Silent Plague" preventing most Americans from producing enough digestive enzymes.
Total Revive + is a broad spectrum formula designed to arm your body everything it needs to overcome the 4 "Enzyme Blockers” 
or the primary reasons why people don’t generate enough of these critical digestive enzymes…
They are… 

#1 - Stress during periods of stress, digestion gets shut down and the secretion of digestive enzymes decreases.

#2 - Advanced Aging like many other bodily functions, digestive enzyme levels typically begin to decrease around the age of 40.
#3 - Poor Diet The Standard American Diet contains toxic/enzyme-depleting factors such as sugars and bad fats, pesticides, herbicides, and non-organic foods...
#4 - Low Stomach Acid medications (both over-the-counter and prescription) decrease the hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach and decreases the amount of digestive enzymes that your body can produce.

And if any of the above “Enzyme Blockers” are frequent fliers in your life…

Then I have some GREAT news for you...

Because it’s precisely cases like these where Total Revive + really shines!

Taking Total Revive + twice per day can help revive the key components working deep within your gut…

Working to restore the balance of vital enzymes within your digestive system bones…

Allowing your body to better, more naturally digest, absorb, and assimilate the nutrients in your food…

So you can enjoy easeful digestion, more energy, and finally shed that unwanted belly, arm, and leg weight.   

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Claim Your Free Bottle Today